Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I just received a fundraising email from the Bernie Sanders campaign. Below is my brief response.

Dear BernieSanders.com;

In 2004, I worked as Iowa coordinator for Ralph Nader. I am not now associated with Mr. Nader, and write exclusively on behalf of myself.

I'm familiar with Sen. Sanders' refusal since 2000 to respond to Mr. Nader's repeated calls and letters. I take that as a signal of profound disrespect not only for Nader, himself, but just as much for Nader supporters like myself.

With Nader's groundbreaking independent candidacy, average citizens had a real fighting chance to build a movement that could effectively counter the mammoth, greedy, unrepresentative two-party corporate state.

Sen. Sanders was of no help, then. I remember that disgraceful disloyalty, and certainly do not wish him success, today. He is a counterfeit.

DC Larson
Waterloo, Iowa.


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