Saturday, January 9, 2016

Racial mythopoeia at the Des Moines Register 

In her 1/9 "6 things to watch for at the Black and Brown forum," Jennifer Jacobs blithely passes on a fiction beloved by Black Lives Matter-riding liberals for its political facility. 

"A string of deaths of black Americans at the hands of law enforcement dating to the 2014 killing of an unarmed black teenager by a white officer in Ferguson, Mo., has called attention to festering tensions between minority communities and police."

Criminal thug Michael Brown had, according to an Obama/Eric Holder Department of Justice investigation, violently attacked officer Darren Wilson -- then seated in his patrol car. Brown reached in, punching Wilson and grabbing for his service revolver, forensic investigators concluded. Gunpowder residue was found on Brown's hand.

Wilson fired in self-defense; he was cleared of wrongdoing allegations.

None of which is mentioned by Jacobs, the Register's Chief Political Reporter. Like the willfully deceitful agitators who confected the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" lie, Jacobs ladled from the same poisonously phony but politically advantageous sludge well.

Only last Thursday night, Philadelphia officer Jesse Hartnett -- like Wilson, sitting in his cruiser -- was assaulted by Edward Archer. Thrusting a pistol into Hartnett's window, Archer fired, attempting to execute the policeman.

Miraculously, Hartnett did not die. He was able to give chase, and wounded the fleeing assailant.

Archer later told authorities he had done it "in the name of Islam."

If her Michael Brown/Darren Wilson revisionism is any indication, the Register's Jacobs will one day misrepresent the recent Philadelphia assassination attempt as only "a white officer shooting a black suspect from behind."


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