Friday, July 22, 2016

Hillary's blood money, LGBT lie

On Friday, 7/22, the Guardian covered Hillary Clinton's appearance before an Orlando, Florida campaign audience.

"The Latino LGBT community was the one most impacted by [the recent Pulse attack]," the paper quoted her as saying. " She added, "I think it's an unfortunate fact, but one that needs to be said, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans people, more likely than any other group in our country to be the victims of hate crimes...particularly even more so as people of color..."

Two points:

1) The most recent FBI hate crime statistics showed crimes motivated by race to account for 47.0%. Comparably, ones with sexual orientation cause were only 18.6%.


2) Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Global Initiative accepted millions of contribution dollars from areas like Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Qatar; their laws mandate state punishment (including murder) of LGBT citizens, as well as the oppression of women.

(photos: and

How many are fooled by Hillary and her publicly pretended LGBT concern? We'll know in November.


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