Monday, August 15, 2016

Vote For Trump

My latest essay ran in today's Marshalltown (Iowa) Times-Republican newspaper.

Donald Trump appeals to a broad patriotic swath: voters who are actually proud to be Americans.
His call to "Make America great again" refers to re-establishing our political, economic, and military primacy in a hostile world. And to re-embracing important, fundamental ideals and principles.
We Trump voters believe in playing by the rules, and want to restore an atmosphere in which law and order, including law enforcement, are respected.
We are sick of disconnected mainstream media and Washington establishment dinosaurs looking down their noses at traditional Americans while growing fat off our tax dollars; all the while, they kowtow to foreign, primitive-cultured interests.
We reject the Obama/Hillary globalization scheme that moves US jobs overseas, leaving American cities destitute, factories empty, and citizens unemployed and in poverty.
We demand fair trade deals in which the legitimate interests of American workers, farmers, businesses, manufacturers, and consumers are protected and advanced.
We want a Supreme Court that honors the constitution, rather than "interpreting" its language in such ways as to deny original intent.
We believe in maintaining national sovereignty, and in fiercely enforcing our borders.
We welcome immigrants, but they must obey democratically-enacted laws and processes, and assimilate into our land. We've seen the horrors loosed in France, Germany, and other European nations when strange hordes streamed in, refusing to adapt to and respect existing culture.
We've seen Isis-related terrorist attacks over there, too. And we have borne sorrowful, angry witness to similarly-inspired acts of war in San Bernardino, Miami, and elsewhere here in the United States.
As Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have over decades received millions from radical Islamic terrorism-supporting nations, she would hardly be likely to mount an effective attack. She won't even say "radical Islamic terrorism." (Nor will President Obama.)
Trump correctly hails us as a movement. Together, we the liberated American people will joyfully kick over the status quo's cobwebbed table and vanquish the bi-partisan bureaucrat class. It has weakened our country with record debt, porous borders, domestic discord, military losses, mass unemployment, and feebleness in world affairs.
It is no exaggeration to say the national well-being, maybe even survival, depends on electing Donald Trump.

DC Larson


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