Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Of Hillary-Age Hippies
Venomousness as virtue


It vomits ugliness for spectator effect, the intellectually scrambled SJW subculture once found exclusively on diapered campuses. But, like the freakish B-movie lab specimen that shatters its jar and assumes monstrous proportions, it increasingly slithers among us.

Twenty-something aggressors throw back their heads and bellow their 'virtue signaling.' 'The louder I shout,' they seem to reason, 'and the more I hurl eternally damning invective at naysayers, the more sterling a person I shall be considered.'

Puerile websites are today acrawl with tender-skulled, bumper-sticker brown shirts. What might have root in actual goodness rages now as entirely gaga spectacle.

Cavorting, raggedy miscreants screech their razored vituperation, slashing and howling as if their ostentatious exclusionary posturing were a medallic affirmation, one before which all others must bend knees, allowing cultural predominance without reasoned objection.

(And do not waste moments pondering the paucity of recommendable character that allows them to chant of diversity while determinedly crushing contrary thought beneath Hot Topic jackboot-heel.)

When callow dyspeptics throw spindly arms around the 'I am the judge of all' role, turning exaggerated and nasty-spirited rhetorical
handsprings for the approval of fellow SJWs, any claims to moral rectitude are without credibility.

Adults know it is more reasonable to mind one's own behavior, perhaps influencing by example. 

But that recognizes the rights of oppositionally-minded others. And it is simply too factually tolerant for squealing, technicolor cretins who furiously heft the tolerance banner without for a moment believing even a bit of its message.

(Two real perils posed by placard-waving SJWs: a clampdown
on free speech protections and the deriding of our traditionally accepted 'innocent until proven guilty' judicial standard. Popular support for these time-honored safeguards must be vigorously enunciated, but practical rejection of them would constitute massive, fundamental action beyond the abilities of trend-grasping squawkers.)

So, by all means, heap critiques on their showy personal foulness. I certainly do. But do not judge too harshly SJWs' ill-considered inclinations. They march in an attitudinal environ some of us may once have known.

Malcolm X sagely cautioned, "Don't be in such a hurry to condemn a person because he doesn't do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn't know what you know today." 



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