Thursday, September 29, 2016

Comrade Methuselah ends with Hillary whimper, not principled bang

                              His master's voice

"I'm sick of hearing about your damn emails!" grumbled generally unpleasant Bernie Sanders to Democrat nomination 'opponent' Hillary Clinton, during one debate. And with those eight terrible words, he at once awarded her the nomination and himself eternal ignominy.

Following his weaselly withdrawl, the self-satisfied sell out repaired to his new jet, bound for his new (third) home. He would, to no one's convincing, maintain that his just-purchased, pricey toys had no connection to his flipping off millions of naive, college-aged footsoldiers and taking an enthusiastic dive before the entire world.

But Comrade Methuselah's shamelessness has since again essayed its elephantine dancing across the public stage. 

On Wednesday, 9/28, he appeared before a Hillary campaign audience to grouse raspily against voting third party. And he exhorted millennials to endorse the dollar-grasping frump who'd leashed him.

Given his show-me-the-money choice to sit rather than stand, Sanders was clearly unconcerned by the opinions of those who'd surged to his side. Why in the hell would anyone today be persuaded by his paid-for prattlings?

(Sanders had long indicated his pro-donkey prejudice. Following the 2000 election, he joined with fellow Democrats in shutting out Ralph Nader. That Sanders would be inclined to stiff the independent consumer-rights icon rather than displease the establishment made manifest the counterfeit nature of his claims to principle.)  

"Bernie Sanders could have gone down in the record books as a great, great man," Donald Trump told a 9/28 Iowa rally. "But then, he made that deal. And it's over."

So, go quietly into that good night, Comrade Methuselah. And pull the damned door closed, behind you.


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