Friday, September 30, 2016

Why Trump supporters seldom talk to CNN viewers

Trump supporter: "As Obama's secretary of state, Hillary Clinton sold the US out to foreign powers."

CNN viewer: "Trump is an orange, reality-show clown!"

TS: "Hillary maintained a private email server in violation of established State Department rules, ones of which she'd been apprised. And by using it to send and receive classified information, she imperiled America."

CNNv: "Trump probably is not as rich as he claims!"

TS: "Hillary shredded and bleached away 33,000 subpoenaed emails, ones possibly containing private data."

CNNv: "Trump says outrageous things about 'Identity Groups!' "

TS: "Hillary has embraced law-breakers and turned her back on American police."

CNNv: "Trump has short fingers!"

TS: "Hillary's State Department/Clinton Foundation was a criminal, pay-for-play enterprise with documented ties to international anti-US interests."

CNNv: "I heard an obscure Nazi likes Trump! That makes him a white supremacist!"

TS: "As senator, Hillary voted to invade Iraq. And her poor judgement and general incompetence left that entire region an unstable mess and led to the growth of ISIS."

CNNv: "I just know he wears a toupee!"

TS: Bad trade deals Hillary has backed, not to mention her stated support for NAFTA and TPP, have reduced American economic security and sent millions of jobs to foreign lands.

CNNv: "Trump is Hitler!"

TS (shaking head in disgust): "I'm outta here..."

CNNv: "Oh -- can't defend Trump on the issues, huh?!"


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