Friday, September 30, 2016

Mark does the 'Zuckerberg two step'
maintains double standards based on class, ideology

Many have criticized the Mark Zuckerberg / Facebook practice of stifling posts that conflict with liberal sentiment. (

As contrary to the wonderful notion of viewpoint equality as is that corporate clampdown, though, Facebook is privately owned, and Zuckerberg is free to publicize one message and stomp down another as he wishes. (And the rest of us can then draw conclusions about his character.)

But Zuckerberg's apparent fancy of a double-standard benefiting himself and his ideological fellows is hardly exclusive to political expression.

Zuckerberg has over the years donated lavishly to the Planned Parenthood Foundation. And that's his right. It's his money. 

But particularly noteworthy here is Planned Parenthood's institutional philosophy that a baby isn't really a human with constitutional rights that others must respect until it has exited the hospital.

Remember that ugly idea; by donating to Planned Parenthood, Mark Zuckerberg gave it both approval and sustenance.

After his donations had been made, Zuckerberg choreographed and publicized a party celebrating his wife Priscilla's pregnancy. Hospital photos of their baby, still in Priscilla's womb at that time, adorned the party walls. And the jubilant Zuckerbergs even announced the as-yet-unborn baby's gender and name.

Wait a minute...

Zuckerberg's actions and statements regarding that carried baby conflicted remarkably and resoundingly with Planned Parenthood's line of 'no life recognition til baby's left the hospital.'

And his unapologetic deceit that there exist two standards, one for moneyed and liberal 'royalty' like himself and another for regular Americans like you and I could not be more manifest. Or repugnant.


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