Sunday, October 2, 2016

They lie, that Hillary be crowned
CNN Clinton shills Smerconish and Cooper

This morning, I chronicled the foul 10/1 effort by CNN's sourly brattish Michael Smerconish to falsely deny Hillary Clinton's 1975 assisting of child-rapist Thomas Alfred Taylor in his eluding of proper punishment. 


But no sooner had that blog commentary been posted than I recalled an earlier and no less unethical, morally repugnant attempt essayed by another CNN sleaze-shoveler to similarly lie to viewers on behalf of his Chosen One, Hillary.

Last May, Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany was interviewed by Anderson Cooper for a CNN "Battle for the White House" segment.

"Hillary Clinton blamed the victim," McEnany charged. "Number 101, when you are dealing with rape cases, don't blame the victim. She blamed a 12 year-old girl, a sixth-grade, 12 year-old girl of seeking the attention of older men and of fantasizing about older men. There's audio --"

"Wait!" Cooper interjected. "We haven't corroborated any of this!"

McEnany pointed out that the horrible Hillary/child rapist protection incident had already been widely reported.

"'Widely' doesn't mean anything," Cooper stammered. "It's not on this network, I would point out."

But CNN had indeed previously documented that shameful episode, and played the pertinent audio, contrary to the protestation of the proudly iniquitous Hillary fanboy. Linked below is a video contrasting Cooper's repeated and willful dishonesty with excerpts of earlier coverage by CNN's Jake Tapper.

Comes now the question: What to make of CNN personalities Cooper and Smerconish maintaining with dogged energies that a story already confirmed by numerous news organizations, including their own employer, has somehow never been established?

It may be that CNN behind-cameras powers, cheerleading the Clinton campaign by the hour, each day, came to wish their channel had never confirmed the story. And that Cooper and Smerconish, being unencumbered by ethical conscience, dutifully regurgitated their corporate paymasters' rewriting of reality.

All of which could account for these rebarbative CNN hosts' repeatedly lying to their audiences. But none of which would grant the two absolution.


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