Sunday, October 2, 2016

The shame in Chris's closet

"If you can't take their money, drink their whiskey, screw their women, and vote against them anyway, you don't belong in the legislature."

                                          (from Truthfeed)

That damning characterization of arrogant office-holders' time-honored guiding philosophy has been attributed to clever columnist Molly Ivins. But variations on it can also be found in the recorded words of numerous portly and cigar-chomping politicians, across decades.

Only a few years ago, Chris Matthews, irritating host of MSNBC's Hardball, laughingly shared those words with viewers. In his younger days, Matthews had come up as a congressional assistant to Tip O'Neil; the sentiment was surely popular and accepted, then.

Of course, in 2016, cultural and political mores have changed. And it seems nearly everyone in front of a news camera these days is at heart a 3rd Wave feminist, dyspeptic antiwhite racialist, and/or America hater.

Ever a trend-deferential careerist, Matthews surely would not still grinningly cite the slogan. For, just as he chooses suit jackets with audience reception doubtless in mind, so too, no doubt, does he accordingly tailor his public speech.

Next time you hear the giddy and forcibly obnoxious Chris Matthews cluck with pretended displeasure at a Donald Trump phrase, though, remember his own history of touting the attitudes reflected in the quote at this piece's outset.


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