Tuesday, October 11, 2016

When bad journalists do bad things, absolutely nothing happens to them

We already knew CNBC's John Harwood was of meager character, so this latest substantiating evidence cannot shock. 

Wikileaks just released email communications between notorious liberal Harwood and Hillary campaign chair John Podesta, whose own innate scurrilousness is manifest and rivals that of fellow hoofed and fat-walleted die-hard donkey James Carville. 

The back-slapping exchanges, dating from the primary season, are of notably unseemly, fraternal mien.

On January 28, Breitbart reports, Harwood sent Podesta a Hillary-centered mash note. "She was good here in Newton."

Privately dispatched compliments about a candidate? Quite the objective reporter, this Harwood.

In March, after Clinton had won all five primaries held on the 15th, Harwood was unable to restrain himself, gushing to Podesta, "Congrats -- pretty strong." 

In return, Podesta tossed the CNBC personality a Scooby snack: "Yup. Feeling good."

John Harwood, of course, attracted considerable negative notice when he basically came out as an unblushing anti-Trump activist during the GOP primary debate he moderated in October of last year.

"Let's be honest," Harwood challenged Trump, perhaps reading a line suggested by his Hillary comrades. "Is this the comic book version of a presidential campaign?"

His 'looka me, looka me' rhetorical handspringing earned for him the ignominious Bernard Shaw crown.

(Joe Concha, then with Mediaite, noted acidically, "Needless to say, no objective person will take Harwood seriously about anything for a very long time.")

Harwood will, of course, suffer zero professional sanction for this latest exposed malpractice. CNBC heads may in fact throw him a party.

Here's why: The shifty John would never have reached the lofty media limb he currently claws had news executives at any point given one single damn about ethics. In the news media's general bias-cesspool, deceitful wretches like Harwood are allowed unhindered splash play. 



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