Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Why would anyone think the system is rigged?
A few reasons present themselves

After cataloging solid instances of Hillary Clinton's classified email/private server offenses, FBI Director James Comey effectively took a dive by refusing to pursue prosecution.

But why would anyone think the system is rigged?

Now making news is an FBI side-deal to destroy the computers of Clinton State Department personnel suspected of mishandling classified emails, personnel to whom the agency gave criminal immunity.

But why would anyone think the system is rigged?

The Obama Department of Justice, under Loretta Lynch, not only failed to encourage prosecution of Clinton, but seemed to many to discourage productive legal investigation. The revelation that a hushed rendezvous/possible strategizing session took place between Lynch and Bill Clinton, oddly convened privately on a landed jet guarded by Secret Service agents who warned reporters against photographing the event, only hardened poured concrete.

But why would anyone think the system is rigged?

On Tuesday, US District Court Judge Reggie Walton refused to make public drafts of the 1990s Whitewater indictment of Hillary Clinton, asserting that her "substantial privacy interest" outweighed the public's right to know.

But why would anyone think the system is rigged?

Politico, on 10/4, headlined a report "Obama DOJ drops charges against alleged broker of Libyan weapons: Arms dealer had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton's talks about arming anti-Qadhafi rebels." 

But why would anyone think the system is rigged?

Wall Sreet financial organs tout Hillary and caution loudly that a Trump presidency would bring economic ruin. Of course, business abhors change, which Trump advocates. And Wall Street is entirely comfortable with a status quo that indulges it at the expense of regular Americans. Besides, Hillary has for decades cultivated a skin-tight alliance with big-dollar enterprises, having received from them lavish fees for closed-door speeches whose texts she refuses to make public.

But why would anyone think the system is rigged? 

Following the first presidential debate, Trump complained of a faulty mic. Critics including Hillary, Mark Cuban, various cable news channel hosts, and Saturday Night Live actors all mocked Trump's concern. The technical issue was subsequently confirmed by the debate's sponsor, but no one apologized and the false, partisan-prompted ridicule continued.

But why would anyone think the system is rigged?

Among critical information exposed by Wikileaks were DNC inside communications detailing its shoulder-to-shoulder efforts with the Clinton campaign to sabotage Bernie Sanders' candidacy, including consideration of attacks on Sanders' Jewish faith.

But why would anyone think the system is rigged?

Hillary-promoting media voices frequently banner her 'advocate for women and girls' slogan. That cheerleading is undertaken though the Clinton Foundation -- of which Obama administration Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was obviously a part -- pocketed millions of donation dollars from countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Qatar. Those nations' laws and customs allow the routine repression, "honor killing," and sexual abuse of women. 

But why would anyone think the system is rigged?

Lastly, just as the elite system includes governmental and economic divisions, it also retains a mass media division:

(from AgainstCronyCapitalism.org)

But why would anyone think the system is rigged?


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