Friday, October 7, 2016

Duplicitous hand-wringers damage actual victims

Much present-day liberal propagandizing depends for foundation on the upside-down notion that words are of greater import than actions.

The latest illustration of this is Democrats' loud scenery-chewing over crude, sexuality-centered 'locker room' Trump talk preserved on just-released audio-tape.  

His words were indelicate, yes. But not of a type unfamiliar or inappropriate to such privately convened bull sessions. And still, only words.

Now, contrast them with these contemptible actions:

In 1975, then-attorney Hillary Clinton championed the loathsome cause of Arkansas child-rapist Thomas Alfred Taylor. Through dogged courtroom maneuverings, Hillary won for the predatory deviant a reduced sentence.

Five years later, she was no longer bound by lawyerly commitment to the wretched Taylor and could freely articulate any personal distaste she might have felt for that case. But she did not. 

In fact, when interviewed by Arkansas reporter Roy Reed for a (never published) Esquire piece, Clinton laughingly recalled child-rapist Taylor's fooling a polygraph and deceitfully maintaining his
innocence. (The damning audio can be found here:

Over following decades, husband Bill left the Arkansas-to-Pennsylvania-Avenue landscape strewn with sundry creepy 
sexual misdoings and outright predations. 

But, rather than advocate for his injured molestation casualties, Hillary notoriously pursued against them a hateful 'search and destroy' strategy, one that included retaining numerous, expensive private investigators.

(It is massively unfortunate that so many American families have been savaged by sexual predators like Thomas Alfred Taylor and Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton's true sympathies, clearly, are not with such victims.)

A complete listing of so terrorized Bill/Hillary sexual victims (some established, others only alleged) would be quite lengthy. Here are only a few names: 

Juanita Broaddrick
Kathleen Willey
Gennifer Flowers
Monica Lewinsky
Paula Jones
Dolly Kyle
It should go without saying that accused persons are considered innocent until guilt has been found. But sincerely concerned observers would doubtless press for thorough investigation of all such abuse allegations, and take care that electoral decisions be appropriately informed.   

To my knowledge, there have been no noisy, liberal feminist parades for these women. Nor will there likely be logical and principled consideration of their stories by Hillary Clinton's litter-bearers.

Because to them, it is only spicy words and not sickening actions that merit opprobrium.

(And I need not reach for an arresting descriptor when the pedestrian "phonies" serves so handily.) 



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