Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Rise of the Wretched

On Sunday, February 6, the Cedar Falls office of U.S. Representative Rod Blum was swarmed before by ardent imbeciles; they hefted crudely lettered placards, bannering their ire that Blum had properly done his job, and safeguarded the legitimate interests of Iowa men, women, and children. 

He had done exactly what we'd elected him to do. Blum deserved kudos -- not calumny.

The representative had supported President Trump. He had defended against potential terrorism, such as we've recently seen across Europe, as well as here in America.

Anti-U.S. leaders in other lands have boasted that rank-and-file terrorists desire to infiltrate 'refugee' hordes currently streaming into America. Their statements bolstered Trump's admonition that the 'refugee crisis' could be a Trojan Horse for elements plotting terrorist acts.

Recent news accounts have told of European countries like Sweden taking up anew their border attentions. The European people are calling for far less immigration. In Germany, Angela Merkel is now advocating paying 'refugees' to leave that nation. 

When will domestic lack wits learn the lesson manifest in other nations' hard-experienced examples?

The unpatriotic rabble in Cedar Falls were psychologically disheveled miscreants of meager intellect, the sort productive societies can well prosper without. They may foolishly believe themselves to be promoting some nebulous goodness, but they are, in reality, retarding reasonable impetus. 

Such oddball seditionists urge for America's weakening, devoting themselves ignobly to effectuating our country's destruction from within. They delight in criminality -- which is what illegal aliens definitionally are. 

(By the way: While I take a back seat to no one in supporting free speech, I find attractive the concept of criminalizing the misappropriation of Niemoller's formulation.)

It was heartening to see the raggedy street forces of foulness effectively countered by pro-America men and women. The proud and strong flame of American sovereignty burns, still, despite our enemies' miserable machinations.

It was the strapping American spirit, and not noisome, poisonous partisans, that advanced civil rights and vanquished Nazis and Communists. Terrorists and illegal immigration will soon fall, too.

Brexit. Trump's election. European countries rethinking immigration attitudes. The fine Cedar Falls  
showing of enduring patriotism.

Freedom's adversaries have never won out, in the past. Nor will they, today.


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