Monday, February 13, 2017

'Disappearing' singer Joy Villa, Donald Trump, and the whole truth
MSNBC churning fake news. Again.

During her 2/13, early afternoon MSNBC broadcast, Kate Snow spotlighted the anti-Trump rhetoric ladled by some Grammy performers the previous evening. 

I won't name those performers, or quote their words, believing they already enjoy sufficient publicity. More than their actual talents warrant, to be frank. 

But, Snow and ratings drain-circler MSNBC pointedly excluded from coverage singer Joy Villa. Villa had also walked the Grammy red carpet that night, sporting a gown that explicitly endorsed President Trump.

Following Joy Villa's Grammy appearance, according to Breitbart's Jerome Hudson, sales of her I Make the Static disc hied to the topmost tier of the Amazon digital albums list.

Ryan Saavedra, of Gateway Pundit, observed that: "Previously, the album was ranked #543, 202 on Amazon and now it is currently ranked #3."

Villa's patriotic declaration, of course, earned the expected Twitter death threats from tolerant-in-name-only liberals. 

Per GP, one hissed: "Attack!! Kill her!! Throw her in a camp...for adults!!" 

"RIP to your mentions and your everything in general," was the sagacious admonition tendered by a second Love Trumps Hate sort. 

All of which is newsworthy, you might conclude. But, MSNBC functionaries -- being, as they are, professionals possessed of superior journalistic judgement beyond the grasp of mortal men -- judged otherwise.

GP reported that the gown Villa wore had been designed by Andre Soriano, a gay man who'd legally immigrated to the U.S. from the Phillipines. 

Consider his circumstances, his 'identity.' And that his design was worn by Villa, a black woman. The liberal score board is lit up and clanging like a pinball table, nearly flying off its pins in every direction, at once.

All of which would otherwise mean much mainstream media panting. But, in this case, the protagonists cut away from the harbored narrative. 

So, MSNBC and Kate Snow pretended to not notice.

Again, Gateway Pundit:

"Andre now owns his own highly successful business named Andre Sariano based out of California.

"Andre got his inspiration for the dress from the Women's March in Washington, DC when he heard what was his favorite singer, Madonna, talk about how she wanted to 'blow up the white house.' Andre was furious by her statements and called Joy Villa and told her they were going to design a dress to 'unite the country,' as Andre said.

"The dress that Joy Villa wore was made from a Trump flag," he noted. "As a huge Trump supporter, Joy was naturally excited about wearing the dress." 

And, Ariano told Billboard: "There are a lot of people that are in power that really misconstrued what this country stands for. I love this country. I'm from the Philipine Islands. I am a proud American. I really love this country. I am a minority. Joy is black. America is about immigrants."

Fine sentiments, though ones not deemed significant by MSNBC poobahs.

Kate Snow immediately followed her studied stunt-reporting with a sympathetic portrayal of an anti-Trump, Latino event.

The fake news narrative, then, proceeded slickly. It was like reality had never happened.



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