Saturday, August 26, 2017

Outsiders of distinction

Popular American political legend has it that FDR, after agreeing with civil rights leaders' exhortations, requested that they: "Go out and make me do it." 

Accounts vary. Some even wonder if that happened, at all. Regardless, progressive Democrats searching for validation for their activism have long consoled themselves by repeating it. 

I was reminded of that well-thumbed anecdote by Steve Bannon and Dr, Sebastian Gorka's recent departures from the Trump White House. Each is an indefatigable champion for the populist, Make America Great Again body of beliefs with which candidate Trump barnstormed from sea to shining sea, leaving in his historic wake arenas-full of roaring, patriotic troops eager to storm balloting sites, and take back their country.

And, both men have redoubtable journalistic resumes. Single-minded strategist Bannon crafts heady conservative prose with blade-edged precision, taking no prisoners and stating decisively his messages. Gorka, an enviable intellectual and a positive heavyweight debater, eats pencil-necked cable news commentators for breakfast, and makes such events delightful to behold.

Immediately after departing the White House, Bannon returned to Breitbart, from whence he'd come. And, Gorka revealed his own intention to possibly take up Breitbart residence, the better to advocate the Trump message that proved so popular with voters.

Given stories holding that Never-Trumpers and others opposed to the president's America First agenda infest at least some of Washington government, and the White House, itself, it may well be that Steve Bannon and Dr. Gorka will prove to be of greater persuasive effect outside the Trump Administration, than within it.

You know, they could 'make him do it.'

[This piece has been updated.]


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