Thursday, August 24, 2017

CNN's Don Lemon: Effete agent of deceit and discord

Alarms sounded in the mainstream media following President Trump's spectacular 8/22 Phoenix speech. A packed arena of exuberant Americans had roared approval as the populist Commander In Chief rebel yelled flame thrower denunciation of our "fake news" enemies.

"The media can attack me," Trump declared. "But, where I draw the line is when when they attack you. Which is what they do. When they attack the decency of our supporters...You're tax-paying Americans who love our nation, obey our laws, and care for our people. It's time to expose the crooked media deceptions, and to challenge the media for their role in fomenting divisions...

"For the most part, honestly, these are really, really dishonest people, and they're bad people. And I really think they don't like our country. I really believe that."

The patriotic crowd was ecstatic at hearing the President of the United States whaling the daylights out of a sniffing media that regularly acts against them. 

"CNN sucks! CNN sucks! CNN sucks!" was the mass chant that echoed through the hall, that electrifying night.

Meanwhile, at that ethically corrupt network, ears were surely burning. 

"Well, what do you say to that," asked CNN's Don Lemon, whose analysis immediately followed. "I'm going to speak from the heart, here. What we have just seen is a total eclipse of the facts. He's unhinged. It's embarrassing...There was no gravitas. There was no sanity there." 

Later, as if to illustrate Trump's point that the media despises the common people, Lemon sneered that Trump's supporters were "complicit" in the president's alleged "racism."

Commentators like Lemon that accuse President Trump and his nationwide, tens of millions-strong support base of innate hostility toward the concept of an independent political press are lying. Consider their own disgraceful malpractice and the deleterious effect it has on American society, our civil government, and their calculated betrayal of the news media's theoretical function in a democratic society.

Ideally, an independent press provides citizens with the essential information we need to understand the world, and to effectively choose our government's trajectory. It challenges elected officials to uphold legitimate public interest, and rightly exposes them when they disserve it.

But, as evidenced by its clockwork sludge-pumping of partisan propaganda and personal smearing of targets selected for reasons of ideological prejudice, the accurately dubbed "fake news" industry 
strives to undermine America and citizens' welfare. 

Such a purposefully counterfeit press, controlled as it is by a handful of wealthy political bigots indifferent to the public's valid interest in objective relating of facts, is plainly of enemy character.
When President Trump notes this, he's only articulating what everyone already knows. 

Daily, media elitists like Don Lemon essentially spit on common Americans. They despise our national character, ideals, Constitutional traditions, and cultural and political perspectives. We the People cannot reach through television screens or editorial pages to strike back at seditious newsroom enemies. But President Trump effectively does -- with preciseness, brutal honesty, righteous storm, and the attention-commanding manner of a showman-with-a-point whose loyal audience thrills to his blast-volume barn burnings.

He does what we cannot. And, damned if we don't love him for it!

Postscript: Recently, Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D) tweeted, then hurriedly deleted, her wish that President Trump be assassinated. She has now been removed from all 8 of her committee assignments. Her future as an office holder is in doubt, with numerous national petition drives urging her complete removal from the legislative body.

Meanwhile, CNN is still employing notorious Never-Trumper Rick Wilson as a commentator. (Wilson is a panelist on Don Lemon's show.) During the 2016 campaign, in addition to smuttily slurring Trump voters, Wilson called for status quo-supporting donors to "put a bullet" in Donald Trump.

Had only Chappelle-Nadal endorsed presidential assassination on fake news CNN, Jeff Zucker-signed paychecks would flow to her mailbox without cessation.


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