Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Media ignores healing, instead talks heels

The below footage was probably never seen by anyone relying on the fake news mainstream media for essential information and intelligent analysis free from bias:

It depicts scores of average residents of Corpus Christi, Texas. On 8/29, they lined the street, shoulder-to-shoulder -- some holding homemade signs, others having donned red-and-white, Make America Great Again caps --  to hail the arrival of President Trump. 

The president was there to commiserate with citizens, be briefed on rescue efforts, and view Hurricane Harvey's devastation. And the beleaguered but proudly resolute locals loved him for it.

But, never mind all of that. Overly paid media professionals in cushioned, coastal precincts know better what's truly important. 

They ignored the stalwart American people, instead focusing their eagle eyes and journalistic acumen on Melania Trump's choice of footwear

These same press voices, remember, deride as 'sexist' any attention paid to Democrat women's apparel selections.


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