Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Iowa's Miller for the violation

You might assume a state's attorney general would, at minimum, actually believe in the rule of law, the Constitution's explicit division of powers between co-equal branches, and that the legitimate interests of law-abiding citizens deserve their government's safeguarding before any such claimed by non-citizens in America illegally.

But, you don't know Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller. 

Miller, on Wednesday, threw in with 13 other states' attorneys general in bringing a manifestly frivolous and surely politically motivated lawsuit against President Trump. They feign outrage over Trump's decision to limit DACA's existence to six months, during which time Trump insists Congress craft and pass appropriate legislation. 

The Constitution mandates that Congress, alone, pass laws. Not the Executive Branch, nor the Judicial one. DACA, having flowed of its own arrogant accord from the Oval Office quill of former President Barack Obama, was never legitimate legislation. It was merely an undemocratic Obama contraption. 

The liberally biased and virulently anti-Trump Des Moines Register quoted Miller's September 6 lawsuit announcement: "DACA has protected hundreds of thousands of young people...who arrived illegally as children, grew up following the rules, and are very much a part of our fabric."

Miller's selective piety about protective legal concepts and Constitutional rights might be risible, were it not more likely to cause vomiting. (His purring about illegals being "law abiding" makes you wonder if he ever listens to himself talk.)

While a 1960s Harvard Law School student, he may have truly believed in law as means to ensure justice for citizens. But he obviously now feels the American legal system is no more than a means for the grimy pursuit of partisan advantage and personal prejudice. 

On numerous occasions before contriving DACA, Obama conceded that such would be unconstitutional and that, under the Constitution, he lacked the requisite authority. He can be seen in contemporaneous video clips asserting that he could not autonomously decree immigration custom:

"The problem is, that I'm the President of the United States," he admitted in an official statement included in the above-linked clip. "I'm not the Emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that have been passed."

But, in 2012, though aware by his own previous admission that DACA was unconstitutional, he issued it, anyway. Obama stressed that it would not be "permanent." 

He added: "This is a temporary stop-gap measure that lets us focus our resources wisely while giving a degree of relief and hope to talented, driven, and patriotic young people."

Unconstitutional, and intended by Obama to be only a temporary stop-gap. President Trump, then, is not acting in contravention of his predecessor, but is wholly in keeping with not only Obama's originally stated opinions, but traditional Constitutional principles long recognized by the Supreme Court, and deep within America's foundational bedrock. 

In officially colluding with others wishing America ill, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller is betraying hostility toward the good people of this state, and wasting our tax dollars, too. Why would Miller embark on this aggression against the very Constitutional law in which he may long ago have genuinely had faith? 

In 2016, patriotic Iowans joined in the Trump Revolution, turning our state from solid blue to solid red, and endorsing Trump's populist outsider candidacy by a healthy margin. The elderly hippies and delusional, campus-nurtured creepy-crawlies that largely populate Iowa's mainstream media, professional "social justice" groups, and batty academic garrets still have not recovered.

And it is to those ragged and fortunately dwindling crowds that Miller today plays.


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