Tuesday, September 12, 2017

When accuracy becomes a casualty of ideology 

In August, neo-Nazi Christopher Cantwell told an interviewer that he wished for a president who, unlike Donald Trump: "would not give his daughter to a Jew." Cantwell then sneered: "I don't think you can feel about race like I do, and watch that Kushner bastard walk around with that beautiful girl. Okay?"

I shared those detestable words with a purpose. That is what genuine bigotry sounds like. 

Calls to maintain national borders, reassert the Constitutional principle of equality for all men, and seek through international policies to advance American trade and other interests ahead of other countries' -- those are hardly of a piece with that horrific prefatory citation. In truth, they are not within philosophical miles of it.

As if his earlier slurs had not already been sufficiently damning of him, Cantwell also defended as "justified" the Charlottesville Emancipation Park killing of Heather Heyer. 

The notion that society's supposed 'systemic' hostility constitutes ongoing aggression and grants moral legitimacy to criminal acts -- rendering them reasonable 'defensive' tactics adopted by an imaginary 'oppressed' people -- is imbecilic and fraudulently self-affirming, whether claimed by Nazis, the KKK, Antifa, or Black Lives Matter.

It goes without extended explanation that those groups do not share historical records. But, anyone pretending to not perceive their commonly cherished senses of victimization, self-righteousness, moral surety, loathing of citizens not like them, and base terrorist natures is either unable or unwilling to address the true, and truly toxic, danger to democratic society each embodies.

Splentic anti-Trump expositors strive to transform our common political and social cultures to drastic unreason, until no innocent citizen dare utter any words but condemnatory ones about national, heraldic, historic, and politically conservative subjects. 

Both shameful and growing, the transgressors catalog includes notables from politics, media, and activism: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, Tom Perez, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Jerry Brown, Shepard Smith, Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, Jeff Zuckerberg, Michael Moore, Deray McKesson, George Clooney, Jeff Zucker, and Maureen Dowd. 

Passion for combatting divisive racial and religious hates is admirable. And, when sincerely acted upon, can be an effective realization of America's finest moral quality. 

But, when opportunistically leveraged with intended political ambition, such only allows unaddressed animation to true hatred of the type enunciated by the cretinous Cantwell.

The ugly relish with which some Trump assailants now endeavor to exploit bigotries as momentarily advantageous vehicles for spewing vitriol at the President of the United States and his patriotic supporters leads to reasonable suspicion about the genuineness of their claims to impellent anti-bigotry interest.

Whatever their reason, they do not accurately characterize the plague. They cannot, then, be practical factors in its essential eradication.


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