Thursday, September 21, 2017

Hollywood Jimmy patronizes again
or, Will somebody please shut that celebrity the hell up?

During his 9/20 monologue, progressive posh boy Jimmy Kimmel groused at great length about the pending Graham-Cassidy health care legislation.

(See here:

Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit observed the following day that Kimmel: "[H]as no idea that the premiums are unaffordable for most American families. But he's an elitist, so he's going to lecture, anyway." 

With unctuous show business artifice, Kimmel read from a studio teleprompter words perhaps written by someone else, but with all the 'intensity' of a man who'd crafted them, himself. 

At one point, balling both fists and clenching his jaw, Kimmel mock-glared into the camera lens and issued a threat of physical violence to Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade: "Brian, you phony little creep! Oh, I'll pound you when I see you!"

Surely, the comedic talk show host was not seriously threatening Kilmeade, but only playing to his cheering audience's prejudice. And, probably, effectively waving his arms for publicity notice.

A Real Clear Politics article showed that Kimmel's lickspittle media allies rushed to his cause, rewriting in real time an event that had just happened before millions of eyeballs. 

The New York Times' Sopran Deb tweeted: "If you watch the video, I believe Kimmel meant 'pound' as mocking Kilmeade for offering fist bumps in person."

"I interpreted it the same way you did," seconded CNN's oily Brian Stelter.

Note the flabbergasting phoniness that mainstream media finger-waggers shamelessly demonstrated. Whither the furrowed-brow claims of concern for press welfare such Fake News toadies eagerly shovel whenever President Trump criticizes inky smirkers' skullduggery?

The present lack of Kimmel criticism reminds of the mainstream media's silent acquiescence in contemporary Antifa attempts to block cameras and physically attack reporters. 

Considering the filthy business of media scolds' hypocrisy -- throwing up bile or not, depending on political ideology -- one can only conclude that the Stelters were lying all along. It never truly was about principle, but just their foul, divisive, and oppressive prejudices.

Certainly, candidate Donald Trump made much of explicit hostility toward the mainstream media. It was a hoot, and I laughed, heartily. Especially when NBC's Katy Tur tremblingly (and, one feels confident, needlessly) sought the parking lot protection of armed guards.

Arenas full of Trump supporters roared their contempt for a snooty press industry that daily churned misrepresentative versions of realities calculatingly sculpted to conform to the needs of disconnected, coastal political biases. 

"CNN sucks! CNN sucks! CNN sucks!" went the chant popular across our nation.

These were common citizens, understandably resentful that a news media that mocked their values and perspectives at the same moment expected aggrieved viewers' respectful regard. 

And, therein lies an all-important distinction. Trump rally crowds' vehement bitterness toward the mainstream media had indisputably been earned. It was the legitimately self-defensive reaction of a nation of victims.

Jimmy Kimmel and other out-of-touch elitists are hardly of similar status. They are but spoiled toddlers who demand the world give them everything. And they throw ear-offending tantrums when the marginalized seek equity.

Postscript: At the risk of dating myself, I'll recall that 1980s voices from both the right and left decried citizens getting important news
information from trivial, late-night entertainment vehicles.

But these days, no one in mainstream media cautions against accepting political direction from prat-falling, whoopee cushion, baggy-pants commentators. 


Blogger earthnative07 said...

our MSM has reached an ideological tipping point where which masturbation has become an orgy-event.

September 21, 2017 at 8:03 PM  

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