Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The smothering "Kleenex" formerly known as McCarthyism

During a 9/29 Tucker Carlson Tonight interview, and surely despite his intention, Democrat strategist, attorney, and Huffington Post contributor  Michael Starr Hopkins revealed the rigged, deceptive business partisans like him now seek to engineer.

The host had played footage of crazed California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters hoarsely declaring the Trump White House to be 'controlled by the KKK.'

Hopkins was, of course, unable to substantiate Waters' dastardly charge, as it was a wholly counterfeit one. He did, though, cite "alt-right" Steve Bannon, the Breitbart editor formerly a Trump advisor.

In an aside, Hopkins called the KKK merely a "Kleenex," under whose cover speakers like himself and Waters include all non-liberal adversaries.

There is, obviously, a tremendous problem with that rhetorical chicanery. A couple, actually.

The Ku Klux Klan is a specific, unAmerican org. It has to its contemptible halcyon record horrifying acts of violence predicated on an unquestionably loathsome racial supremacy philosophy. The ragged, wretched, and thankfully dwindling scourge in no way accords with the bedrock American beliefs of equality and justice that the Trump Revolution so boisterously affirms.

To tactically conflate the detestable Klan with a vague "alt-right" phantom effectively condemns without individual examination any group or person so (unfairly) linked. The generally accepted term for that practice is "guilt by association," and it is outside intellectual legitimacy.

Today, though, anti-Trump partisans -- who, in years past, decried McCarthyism -- now take up the identical, deceitful tactic with ill relish.

The "Kleenex" with which they strive to smother ideological opposition in general would automatically class as beneath respectful consideration all perspectives and speakers contrary to liberal orthodoxy.

This Democrat-boosted phenomenon of arbitrarily narrowing the Overton Window, with no voices but those sympathetic to approved dogmas allowed open communication, conflicts with the traditionally cherished American ideals of freedom of thought, speech, assembly, and democracy. 

Fortunately, the Constitution is much bigger than any Kleenex.



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