Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Exposing a Fake News monger

Despite an unsympathetic Chicago Economic Club interviewer, Donald Trump excelled in the Tuesday afternoon event. He made strong cases for his positions on trade and other economic matters. And, by holding forth with characteristic bluntness and jocular swagger, he inspired attendees to loud bursts of cheering and applause.

Those wondering about interviewer/Bloomberg News Editor-In-Chief  John Micklethwait's knee-jerk contrary posture will find this background information of interest: 

A November 24, 2019 CNBC report (still up on CNBC's site) disclosed that EIC Micklethwait  had sent Bloomberg News  employees a memo advising them to give delicate treatment to then-Democrat nomination candidate Michael Bloomberg, as well as to all other Democrat-nomination aspirants.

"We will continue our tradition of not investigating Mike (and his family and foundation)," insisted Micklethwait. "And we will extend the same policies to his rivals in the Democratic primaries. We cannot treat Mike's Democratic competitors differently from him."

One is reminded of Trump's admonition that Fake News is the enemy of the American people.


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