Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The fabrication called Kamala

Joe Biden received some 14 million 2024 primary votes, but that mattered not to Democrat elites. They shoved the warhorse party loyalist into oncoming traffic and installed identity box-checker Kamala Harris. 

If party bosses reasoned grassroots donkeys would acquiesce, they were proven correct. 'Vote blue, no matter who' sorts immediately hefted Harris and her radical running-mate "Tampon Tim" atop shoulders.

As the adage holds: If you want loyalty, buy a dog.

Kamala Harris is the most laboratory concocted presidential aspirant that has ever clambered onto a stump. A maniken, albeit an ever-giggling one.

Not that she doesn't have beliefs and ideals. She does. Those include abolishing private heath-insurance in favor of government-run care, defunding police, abolishing ICE, granting citizenship to millions of illegal aliens (whose votes would dilute those of legitimate citizens), letting males invade females' sports-teams and privacy, limiting Americans' red-meat consumption, legislating chemical and surgical "gender-affirming care" for children, and mandating that every American driver must operate an electric vehicle.

Should Harris ascend to White House occupancy, the real subversive would leap into the spotlight. But for now, those orchestrating her effort hide her extremist ideology, calculating that a false image is more viable. 

1 - As noted above, she was not chosen in a democratic primary where participants had the opportunity to consider her against competitors and their ideas. Harris was installed by Washington powerbrokers who underscore irrelevant characteristics. 

2 - Her campaign coordinators had her scripted and staged phone-calls to the Obamas and Walz filmed for public release. Of course Harris giggled throughout. Some people do laugh at their own jokes.

3 - The cynical game-players manipulating Harris apparently insist that the candidate avoid press conferences, only read contrived remarks (written by others) from teleprompters, and allow her name to be put on calculated, staff-drafted statements.

4 - She has flip-flopped on numerous issues, claiming more palatable positions than she is on record as having previously enunciated. (But to her handlers' certain dismay, damning video evidence abounds online.) As of this writing, she has stolen two Trump proposals: No tax on tips and a child tax credit. Additional thefts and flip-flops by her will surely follow, should those choreographing her effort deem them situationally advantageous

5 - Just days ago, the Harris/Walz campaign mounted an event at Primanti Bros sandwich shop in Moon Township, Pennsylvania. Prior to filming, actual patrons were reportedly  booted from the premises and replaced with actors who pretended to be sandwich shop customers and who hailed artificial Harris.

(One recalls that the vice-president once sat for filming while telling several 'schoolchildren' about space. The kids were subsequently revealed to be actors hired for the stunt.)

6 - To date, zero policy proposals appear on Harris's website. No issues are even mentioned. That amorphousness allows her to evade definition. Sympathetic media voices urge her to avoid specifics that might prove damaging.

She is a woke action-figure that can be postured however best advances the interests of the left-wing machine that puts her forward and that would calculate policies, should she prevail.

Some contrary commentators opine that small Harris campaign-event crowds mean equally few will vote for her in November. But while liberal voters may find her uninspirational and so stay away, their irrational hatred of Trump will likely engender large election turnout. Remember, Biden's 2020 events also drew smatterings, but his eventual poll endorsements were far greater in amount. 

In November, people will vote for Harris despite being unimpressed with her. They despise Trump and MAGA Americans with so strong and irrational a passion that they would sooner endorse America's continued ruination than see our country improved by Trump.

And if that means devoting precious ballots to a fabrication, so be it.

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