Friday, July 26, 2024

Harris in 2014: 18-24 year-olds "stupid" (video link)

Fake News strivings to rehabilitate and promote Kamala Harris (and harm Donald Trump) often escalate to cartoonish plateaus:

- They've denied  Harris ever held Border Czar responsibility. (She did.)      

- They've scrubbed her 'most liberal senator' assessment. (She was so rated.)

- Newsweek now even disputes that Trump was shot. (Don't believe your lying eyes.)

Now, those amassing examples of Democrat-friendly media dissembling can add this to their file cabinets:

On May 8, 2014, Harris addressed a Ford Foundation audience. Wednesday evening's Hannity featured a related video-clip in which the then-candidate exclaimed that 18-24 year-olds are "stupid" and make "really bad decisions."

(Dinesh D'Souza, among others, had shared the video on Youtube in 2022.)

While it's generally accepted that the human mind is not fully developed until 21 or so, calling those in the 18-24 age group "stupid" is more derogatory and mocking than scholarly. Besides, Harris can't consistently contend persons in said group (and much younger) are capable of making life-changing decisions about puberty blockers and related surgeries.

Here is the full Harris quote: "What's the other thing we know about this population -- and it's a specific phase of life; remember, age is more than a chronological fact -- What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid! That is why we put them in dormitories. And they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions!"

After D'Souza and others online circulated the damning clip in 2022, press propagandists sharpened their pencils. 

USA Today, Reuters, and AFP all sped to publish "fact checks" (here, here, and here). All mounted essentially the same argument: that persons circulating the video evidence of Harris spouting the slur failed to mention that she made it during a speech on youth crime.

But that disproved nothing. Her defamatory statements were declarations of general belief, not exclusive to the subject at hand. None of the media venues succeeded in their attempted mop-up.

That a so-called "fact check" had made print, though, was sufficient for partisan skullduggery. If pressed, Harris's defenders could simply wave the supposed absolutions as if the matter had been neutralized.

One hopes the footage Hannity broadcast Wednesday will soon go viral, for it reveals presumptive nominee Harris's actual opinion. And voters deserve all relevant candidate information prior to formulating ballot judgements.

Should the clip gain fresh currency, new media exercises to cover for Harris can be anticipated. Such will surely point to deceptive 2022 "fact checks."

Current reports are that the Harris campaign is pursuing a "Brat" strategy to attract youthful voters. They do constitute a potentially pivital bloc, and their support is heatedly desired.

One doubts Harris tells them what she honestly believes about 18-to- 24 year-olds.


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