Monday, July 15, 2024

Jocelyn Nungaray and larger, terrible reality          

Reports have detailed the horrific abuse, torture, and murder of 12 year-old Jocelyn Nungarary by two illegal immigrants. The sadistic, sexually perverted pair stole across the US/Mexico border during an ongoing invasion enabled by Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.

Poor Jocelyn now assumes rank among other victims of Democrat-encouraged illegal immigrant predation, including Laken Riley and Rachel Morin.

Only days ago, a Fox News Channel story spotlighted the nationwide nature of the barbaric phenomenon, citing teenage girl victims in New York, Houston, Maryland, Indiana, and elsewhere. That terrible truth substantiates the adage that 'every state is a border state.'

(As this essay was being prepared came gruesome news that an illegal Honduran immigrant had been charged with sexual abuse of a 12 year-old Iowa girl.)

Jocelyn, reports reveal, was tortured and otherwise abused for some two hours before being murdered. Her lifeless 12 year-old body was dumped into a bayou.

Facebook friend Carlos Ibarra directed this writer's attention to the fact that one of Jocelyn Nungaray's accused attackers, Franklin Pena Ramos, is being represented by Lisa Andrews. Andrews is the president of the Spring Branch (Texas) ISD Board of Trustees. 

Per accounts, Andrews did not request the case but was appointed to it by a court. But the Jocelyn Nungaray tragedy is hardly Andrews's maiden moment in abetting sex criminalty against an American female.

In a 2018 blog post, I noted her prior representation of Dr. Shafeeq Sheikh. After the deviant doctor had been convicted of raping a drugged and vulnerable patient in 2013, attorney Andrews helped the twisted degenerate avoid warranted imprisonment.

Our justice system ensures effective counsel for persons criminally accused. And that is as it should be; the despicable nature of the offense alleged has no bearing. 

In 1989's With Justice For None, attorney Gerry Spence argued defense counselors perform the constitutionally legitimate functions of providing accused citizens with vigorous representation and forcing prosecutors to prove cases. He correctly maintained such lawyers should not be assumed to sympathize with offenses alleged, nor to share related attitudes.

It follows that it would be unfair to suppose lawyers representing illegal immigrants endorse related crimes. No such allegation is intended, here. 

Still, one prays lawyers like Lisa Andrews never enjoy undisturbed sleep.

All this prompts estimation from a 10,000 foot remove.

Macro policies can include statistical minorities of unintended consequences. And that smaller percentage does not invalidate the greater body or its purpose. 

But when considering proposed initiatives, Americans must ask: What's in it for our country?  How would our national fortunes be advanced? 

We know that unlimited immigration would benefit immigrants themselves, as well as foreign nations that send them. But those considerations should not determine American policies.

Again, statistically minor negatives do not nullify preponderant upsides. But regarding illegal immigration, there is no 'upside' for America. 

Allowing the mass invasion of unvetted hordes, whose number necessarily includes criminals and mental defectives, does not enrich American culture.

We have, through decades of conversation and positive action, arrived at a sophisticated station where women's rights and liberties enjoy proper guarantee. Importing millions from less-developed cultures would not only be counterintuitive but demonstrably dangerous for female citizens. 

The American clock would be set back if foreign practices like routine domestic abuse, honor killings, female genital mutilation, forced attire restrictions, social and religious coercion, and electoral and economic disenfranchisement of women became the norm, here.

Unspeakable crimes on American girls and women by illegal immigrants would not be perpetrated if those foreigners were not here to begin with.

(Exactly that can be compellingly argued with regard to other crimes illegals perpetrate across the U.S., including homicides, attacks on police, hit and runs, and organized thefts.)

That our Southern border remains wide open, and that daily floods of mystery illegals invade our nation, is a terrible reality made possible by business interests lusting after cheap labor - to the detriment of American workers - and unprincipled politicians reaping lavish bankrolling for disserving constituents.

If for no other reason, and many powerful ones present themselves, let compassion for all the Jocelyn Nungarays determine your future ballot exercise.


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