Saturday, February 17, 2024

A question for transgenders who believe in God  

Do you think God considers you the man or woman he created you as, or the opposite sex you later reinvented yourself to resemble?

Perhaps this is the first time you've considered that question. 

If you choose the latter option, you're elevating your own will above God's. That would be foolhardy. (Don't oppose the Father; you will only fall to deserved ruination.)

God blessed some (not me) with surgical aptitude. I suppose pro-transgender partisans might argue that doctors performing 'gender reassignment' procedures do so in furtherance of Divine long-term charting and are utilizing their talents in accordance with Holy desire.

After all, skull fractures and broken limbs are recified through surgical attention. Physical conditions are restored to their proper states. Such instances exemplify medical legitimacy, and we all owe gratitude to doctors who make wrongs right.

But one's biological sex is not an injury or malady in need of alteration. It already is as it should be. As the Creator intended.

Remember, Jeremias related (in Jeremiah 1:5) that God revealed He had known the prophet even before he was formed in his mother's womb. It follows that the Father likewise knew all of us prior to our own gestations.

Again, my question: Do you think God considers you the man or woman He created you as, or the opposite sex you later reinvented yourself to resemble?


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