Saturday, December 16, 2023

Racial discrimination not 'progressive,' always wrong        

"We all bleed the red blood of patriots," Donald Trump once emphasized of America's racially-diverse citizenry. He would lead America forward into fairness for all.

But for years, ignoring the 45th president's heartfelt declaration, Democrats both elected and of grassroots precincts have deceitfully accused him and those of us in the patriotic MAGA popular upswell  of harboring racial animus. That they have repeatedly lodged that odious lie in hopes of realizing electoral gain is beyond reasonable disputation. 

They aren't good people.

Situationally posturing as opponents of morally despicable racist ideologies, such liberals are now conspicuously silent on the internationally-reported pro-segregation views of Boston's unrepentant racist Mayor Michelle Wu.

An obvious example is that of CNN's reprehensible Jake Tapper. The consistently rebarbative fake-news host has habitually (and without offering cause that could withstand serious scrutiny) assailed Trump on racial grounds. 

To my knowledge -- and I just conducted online research -- neither he nor his ethically-shoddy employer have accorded racist Democrat Wu the castigation and denunciation she abundantly merits. 

(It should not go unrecalled that liberal Tapper once 'joked' in a broadcast that Trump-supporter Roger Stone "might enjoy" being raped in prison. Being that his repulsive quip was carried by CNN, no known professional consequences ensued.)

Racial bigotry and its practical applications are always wicked. They uniformly lack logical basis. Racism deserves equally vigiorous condemnation every time it rises, and in whatever circumstance it does so. 

A currently faddish fancy holds that racial discrimination against White Americans is a rational counter to historic injustices. That foul notion has given persons like Boston's Michelle Wu, who were predisposed to bigotry, encouragement to champion it publicly.

In 2023, progressive Democrats (especially wet-eared and campus-mobbing ones) advocate selective racism, just as increasing numbers of them feel emboldened to rail openly against Jews and Israel, and in support of Palestinian voter-sanctioned Hamas terrorists.  

It should be stressed, of course, that not every rank-and-file Democrat clings to racism. To suggest that would be foolish and unfair. But many do seem to. And their partisan fellows apparently find that acceptable.


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