Thursday, January 11, 2024

Rasmussen poll: Most Democrats oppose voter freedom 

On January nine, Rasmussen Reports revealed its poll finding that 66% of Democrats support banning Donald Trump from states' ballots, though he has not been convicted of any offense including insurrection, which he has never even been charged with.

Various Democrats and deceitful Never-Trump media mouthpieces have in recent days rushed to insist legal conviction is not necessary to impede ballot access and interfere in elections. They would leverage a smear, then cite the unproven accusation as its own verification. They are not good people.

Democrat officials and activists in numerous states have conspired to ban Trump from ballots, thereby denying voters the freedom to select our own president. 

Observers who in the past may have assumed grassroots Democrats were simply misguided can no longer be generous.

"You know, in the past, when I criticized the left, I used to try to make an exception for rank-and-file Democrats — you know, the everyday folks," wrote Breitbart's John Nolte. "But when I see 66 percent of Democrats — 66 percent! — in favor of removing a former president from the ballot, a man who has not been convicted of anything, that changes everything."

He continued. "The Democrat party is nothing like it was pre-Barry Obama. The corporate media, Big Tech, Hollywood, and the organized left have spread the mental illness of hate, supremacy, and bigotry to the rank-and-file. Not all of them, but enough that here we sit with 66 percent ready to turn America into a banana republic."
Among that party's loyal base, I would note, are piteous voters who have for decades supported Democrats, perhaps now fantasizing against recent years' evidence that it remains as it was in JFK's time. Of course, it does not. 
Today, it is under the sway of unpatriotic globalists who despise the concept of nation-states, and whose bigoted loathing of Catholics and Jews is paraded by covert FBI skullduggery and wet-eared, campus-crawling Israel haters.
In appraising progressive grassroots advocates, I would draw a historical parallel to colonial quislings who backed the oppressive forces of England's King George against the burgeoning, noble American Revolution.
That characterization can be extended to Washington, DC uniformed thugs who, at the behest of office-ensconced Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser, attacked and rained ammunition on American citizens who on January six, 2021 exercised their First Amendment right to petition their government for redress of grievances.
Those repressive agents of tyrannical authority can accurately be likened to Redcoats who sought to crush citizen liberty in new America. 
Notable among government-sanctioned crimes that day was the cold-blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt. She was fatally shot without warning by the incompetent and previously disciplined Michael Byrd. Appreciative powerful Democrats did not punish the murderous Byrd, but instead promoted him. He was feted by mainstream fake news outlets like CNN, Politico, and NBC.

(And it is crucial to remember that, prior to January six, President Trump called on Bowser and Sen. Nancy Pelosi to increase protective law enforcement around the capitol. Both Democrats refused. Culpability for allowing ensuing disorder is entirely theirs.)
That 66% of Democrat voters and the killing thugs who protect oppressive Joe Biden and his tyrannical regime are despicably striving to strangle everyday American liberty.
As Rasmussen found, most Democrats may value "democracy" as a rhetorical flourish but are hostile to its practice.  


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