Sunday, March 3, 2024

Everything old and ugly is new again

Given the sickening embrace of antisemitism among many 'progressive' Democrats, it's probably only a matter of time until some Marxist donkey lackwit representing that odious contingent proposes the building of camps.

Such speculation is warranted: From London recently came accounts of anti-Israel scum in the streets shouting Third Reich slur "Judenrat" at opponents. American campuses like Harvard's are also acrawl with similarly hateful cretins. Remember that perpetual motion beyond accepted conventions animates progressivism. 

Another despicable example of Leftists zealously resurrecting a bygone evil is their recent extolling of racial segregation.

A March One Breitbart article told of renewed racial segregation in London. Two upcoming performances of Slave Play will be open exclusively to "black identifying" patrons, lest they be vulnerable to "white gaze."

(Note: This essay will not address the play's unsettling preoccupation with sexual deviance.)

Breitbart noted that during that play's Broadway run of some two years ago, similar racially restrictive performances were arranged.

Broadway and London producers evaded legal penalties with the gimmick of contriving racially segregated performances as private "invitation only" ones.

Ironically, interracial couples would be denied entrance to Slave Play which, per Breitbart "tells the story of interracial relationships throughout American history..."

(The present author is a white man married to a black woman, We would be barred from attending together. It's as if time had tumbled backward.)

That skin-color discrimination has been stoutly defended by New York and London theaters as well as by the play's author, who gushed to the BBC that he is "excited" by planned color-restricted performances. 

One remembers that the same disgusting racist notion sees Leftist employ in 'woke' Boston.

Late last year, Boston Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu convened a racially segregated seasonal event to which only "POC" officials were invited. White ones were purposefully excluded. 

Despite ensuing backlash, Wu refused to concede the truth that segregation is invariably wrong, especially when practiced by politicians like herself who shamelessly court all voters and regularly grab for their tax dollars.

Wu's husband is white. So she may ascribe to the illogical faith that racial integration and segregation are not mutually exclusive, that the latter is somehow a noble ideal of 'POC pride.'

Given her interracial marriage it may be that Democrat Wu, like other unprincipled electoral graspers, merely exploits the matter however advances her situational fortunes. Joe Biden built his career on just such scummy opportunism: An ardent segregationist when a senator - he lamented on the senate floor that busing to integrate schools would produce a "racial jungle" - he has in recent years falsely claimed to have been a youthful civil rights activist.

Boston's execrable Wu may seek reelection in January, 2026. Hopefully, word of her unapologetic flirtation with racial hatred will spread and dash her ambition against rocks.

Racial segregation is always to be condemned. It is flatly immoral, regardless of proponents' identities or their rationalizations. Long ago, such division was rightly condemned in the American public square and ripped from statutes where codified.

Despicable race division is resurgent in 'progressive' precincts. That  merits denunciation by all good people.


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