Tuesday, March 26, 2024

 The Big Tech billionaire who hates democracy

Three times last Monday morning, I attempted to post criticism of Joe Biden's open-borders immigration policy and its disastrous consequences. Specifically, a recent flood of hundreds of illegal aliens (the term used in government documents) over the Texas border. They violently overwhelmed that state's National Guard agents.

(Newsweek reported that, astoundingly, the invading rioters could be allowed to stay in the country whose sovereign right to enforce our Southern border they had given the finger. Credit Joe Biden and the Democrats.)

My attempted Facebook post disappeared each time. I eventually received a notice that my message violated "community standards," but no supposed offense was specified. The option to register an objection did not function.

Reportedly, Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg has begun blocking conservative expression on Instagram. Breitbart termed that his "latest scheme to help Joe Biden."

Instagram and Facebook are both owned by Meta. The liberal California media mogul is Meta's largest shareholder.

Are Zuckerberg/Meta now impeding Americans' political speech on Facebook, also? Should that possibility be revealed as actual, I will leave Facebook, as many others also surely will. To quote a popular maxim: "Go woke, Go broke."

Per Open Secrets documentation, Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla have in past years lavished contributions almost exclusively on Democrat candidates and regional election offices, surely with the ambition of skewing ballot outcomes.

The couple did also contribute to RINO Chris Christie's stunt campaign. His sole reason for running was to hinder the overwhelmingly popular Donald Trump, a tactic that failed spectacularly for all the world to witness. The disgraced former New Jersey governor has since receded into deserved obscurity.

Last January, The Federalist published a damning report on a new election-warping gambit: The Zuckerbuck-flooded Center for Tech and Civic Life could "funnel more than $700 million to election offices during the 2024 election under the auspices of CTCL officials and their partners in the nonprofit world of left-wing activism.

There's nothing untoward about donating to candidates with whom one agrees. I do that. Most donors do.

But when such inclination is accompanied by partisan expression- blacklisting and greasing the palms of local election officials, a behavioral pattern is evidenced and corruption's stench becomes manifest.

In the hours following my illegal immigrant-invasion Facebook posts being blocked, I was able to post on other topics. My speculation is that the site may now screen for phrases like " illegal immigrant," and automatically prevent visibility for related messages.

No election witness would be flabbergasted by the left-wing Mark Zuckerberg attempting to pervert America's 2024 presidential campaign. It seems he, like the Democrat Party itself, hopes to despoil another ballot competition for mentally enfeebled Joe.


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