Monday, April 8, 2024

What enemies we have in 'experts'

An organization misleadingly titled the "American Political Science Association" recently issued its members' collective opinions of our country's presidents: The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey.

I write "misleadingly," because the group is not exclusively American. By its own website's accounting, the APSA is composed of "more than 11,000 members in 100 countries."  

Ivory-tower elitists in that organization are basically wagging their fingers at regular voting Americans. Why citizens here should heed a global group's judgements of our chosen presidents -- and, by implication, of which sorts of candidates we should cast our future ballots -- is an obvious question the APSA report never addresses.

Unsurprisingly, voices in the group are disdainful of President Trump. He was and is supported by tens of millions of American patriots who compose the MAGA movement. Trump's policies rightly put our country ahead of other nations, including APSA members' own. 

Unsurprisingly, they ranked him last.

Globalists have long viewed America as a piggybank, and believed that foreign peoples are somehow entitled to U.S. taxpayers' earnings. (Ukrainian hands-out leaders, and Washington politicians who rush to accommodate them over their constituents' needful circumstances, exemplify that wretched philosophy.)

Pro-Democrat press functionaries regularly wheel out supposed experts to assure viewers so injudicious as to trust them of Biden's infallibility. Seemingly, by those venues' reckonings, faith in the Democrat Party and its steady leftward trend is necessary for expert ranking.

Grassroots American citizens have suffered disastrous consequences owing to experts' counsel. Such include unreasonably high gas and grocery prices, an open southern border across which illegal invaders stream in record numbers (potentially devastating our social security, medicare, hospital, educational, and other taxpayer-supported programs), soft-on-crime policies and the crime epidemic that predictably ensued, and international warfare including in the Middle East.

But, like erroneous television weather forecasters, media-crowned and uniformly liberal experts need never fear professional sanction. That mainstream outlets persist in presenting them is indicative of institutional political bias.

A good rule of thumb is to ignore establishment-hailed experts. Blinded by ideology, they cannot see our country's sorry condition - let alone what action is needed to make it great again.


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