Friday, September 13, 2024

Time to rise

In 2024, Americans are living through a very old story. I'll explain. 

My wife and I recently watched a vintage film. Set in ancient Persia, it depicted a people subjected by the evil Caliph Ali. During his oppressive reign, the good citizens had been taxed so greatly they were unable to feed themselves or their families. Starvation stalked the sands. 

Parents had lost sons in wars instigated at Ali's whim. Those peasants who dared speak out were brutalized by the Caliph's turbaned thugs.

Eventually, led by a courageous and inspirational champion, the good people toppled Ali. Happiness returned to their land. Citizens again enjoyed justice and prosperity.

Kamala Harris hopes to burden Americans with still greater taxes than the exorbitant ones already charged under spend-crazy Democrat schemes. Hardworking men and women down at grassroots level must choose whether to pay all housing, energy, and medicine bills, or put food on the table.

Add to that impossible burden rocketing gas prices they must pay to get to work.

How many American sons and daughters who bravely donned our nation's military uniforms died in Democrat-championed wars? 

Unarmed citizens (including praying grandparents) who journeyed to Washington and protested tyranny on January 6, 2021, were brutalized and imprisoned on orders from ruling Democrats. 

Many of those good people still languish behind governmental iron bars. (Admirably, though, they maintain patriotic spirit even in bondage: An audio-tape of many singing the Star-Spangled Banner from behind stone walls went viral.)

The tens of millions-strong MAGA movement backing Donald Trump refuses to accept the continued tyranny to which Kamala Harris would subject citizens. 

As if the peaceful and prosperous lives regular Americans enjoyed during Trump's first term weren't sufficient proof, his recently-pledged intention to end taxation of overtime hours presently charged working citizens demonstrates populist sympathy. 

That suffering peoples can throw off poison-hearted oppressors and assert independence is a truth revealed not only in the vintage film my wife and I saw, but also in literature and, of course, real-world history. 

American voters should in November follow such noble examples.


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