Sunday, September 15, 2024

Media should investigate Springfield pet-eating story

Sickening charges that Haitian migrants in Ohio have been eating pets recently arose. But instead of subjecting accounts to the scrutiny they merit, journalists great and small waved them away as racist lies. 

It's ridiculous to expect compassion for supposedly tortured animals from bloodless ideologues who champion murdering millions of unborn human babies each year. As they've already accepted that greater atrocity, they cannot be expected to now protest the lesser one - horrific, though it be.

(And one wonders where PETA is.)

The allegations are plausible. Peoples from foreign shores sometimes have preferences revolting to more refined Western sensibilities. That's indisputable. I've heard of an American missionary whose smiling African-village hosts offered him a plate of squirming bugs.Youtube hosts videos of Chinese street vendors hawking roasted rats on sticks.

In some nations, dog-meat is favored. Barack Obama admitted to eating it when a child in Indonesia. Gateway Pundit has posted an excerpt from his "Dreams From My Father" autobiography:

"With [stepfather] Lolo, I learned to eat small green chili peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy)...One day soon, [Lolo] promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share."

National press operatives like ABC's David Muir and CNN's Dana Bash scoffed at the pet-eating claims. NBC denounced the story as a hateful "conspiracy theory," and slurred Trump's conveying of charges as "derogatory." PBS sneered of "false claims." MSNBC also cast them to the ground.

But establishment journalists are not automatically trustworthy. Consider these oft-regurgitated media lies:

There was Trump-Russia collusion/Hands Up, Don't Shoot/Hunter's laptop was "Russian disinformation"/Jussie Smollett was a "hate crime" victim/Kyle Rittenhouse took an AK47 across state lines, intending racial violence/video clips of Biden wandering were "cheap fakes."

Rushing to accept naysaying exclaimed by Ohio authorities, as media sorts have generally done, is irresponsible. Didn't liberals boast of distrusting authority and "speaking truth to power" not long ago?

Apparently, when officials mouth rhetoric to their fancy, reporters become uncritical 'stenographers to power.' 

Safeguarding localities' images from negative publicity is among city  leaders' ambitions. Economic interests are at risk. Businesses won't remain in or relocate to areas if word spreads that there's turmoil underway, and tax-paying residents who are able to flee will do so. Potential new ones will stay away. 

(Aurora, Colorado residents presently face migration-related criminal horrors, themselves.)

It is certainly true that average citizens can create hoaxes. And residents' claims should be regarded suspiciously. Plausibility is not actuality.

Still, Springfield residents have posted supporting videos online. They can be found here, here, and here. There are others.

And investigative reporter Christopher Rufo has put on X/Twitter footage purportedly depicting skinned felines on an Ohio grill. (I won't be viewing that.)

Lack of caring when foreigners violate American laws and customs is a product of the imbecilic notion that all cultures are morally equal, and that expecting newcomers to assimilate is "racist." (There's that word, again.)

Unfortunately, there are crude world regions in which foul practices are routine, Wife-beating and rapes are accepted in some cultures. There are immigrants now in America who perpetrate "Honor killings" and female genital mutilations.

Before discounting claims, reporters should actually talk to aggrieved residents, rather than simply amplifying local officials' denials.

Press-types turning away pet-eating charges without getting up from cushioned chairs and truly investigating them does dirt to the public interest they theoretically serve.

And it doesn't do domestic animals a damn bit of good, either.


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