Sunday, September 22, 2024

For Democrats, media, there won't be a "morning after"          

Inarguably, the Democrat Party and establishment news media are as one. They share both values and ideological aspect. George Stephanopolous, Jen Psaki, James Carville, and Joe Scarborough are only some who've lurched through the revolving door. 

Charitable souls might venture leftists' histrionics will subside once election day passes, especially if the dreaded Trump suffers vanquishment. They won't. Ugly bellowings from that miserable quarter will swell to even greater proportion.

Only situationally principled, leftists lard anti-Trump commentary with vicious hyperventilations.

Kamala Harris warned numerous listeners that "Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy and fundamental freedoms."

"It's time to put Trump in the bullseye," Joe Biden told donors during a call reported by CNN. Last June, Biden exclaimed: "Trump is a genuine threat to this nation...He's literally a threat to everything America stands for."

Appearing on MSNBC in 2023, Rep. Dan Goldman told Jen Psaki that Trump "is destructive to our democracy" and "has to be eliminated."

Trump "needs to be shot," said Rep. Stacy Plaskett, in 2023.

Lincoln Project co-founder and board member Rick Wilson told MSNBC: "They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump."

An exhaustive list of other scheming partisans who've slurred Trump, including portraying him as a new Hitler, would be too lengthy for inclusion, here.

White House-choreographed lawfare waged against the Republican candidate has accomplished nothing. Efforts to throw him off states' ballots also proved fruitless. Tucker Carlson correctly predicted murderous strategies would next be drawn up.

Tens of millions of patriotic Americans rallied to Trump's side, their faith strong that citizens, not pampered elites, should chart our nation's course. And overlords just will not have it.

Having transmogrified into aggressive ghoulishness, leftists surely see no reason to return to even elementary decency. They care not that Trump's now survived two assassination attempts. All that matters is winning.

Examples of post-shooting public slurs spring forth:

"We must stop [Trump/MAGA]," wrote  Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, in a September X post.

Also on X, Colorado Democrat state representative Steven Woodrow asserted: "The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil, but here we are."

"Trump is a threat to democracy, and saying so is not incitement," declared New York Magazine's Jonathan Chait.

In response to both the second assassination attempt and what has plainly been full-lunged malevolence with one foot in death-wish evil, the Trump effort issued a rebuttal: "Thankfully, the would-be assassin was stopped by the heroic action of law enforcement. But make no mistake, this psycho was egged on by the rhetoric and lies that have flowed from Kamala Harris, Democrats, and their Fake News allies for years."

Trump himself wrote on X that smears hurled his way had "taken politics in our Country to a whole new level of Hatred, Abuse, and Distrust. Because of the Communist Left rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse!"

Those who cranked the dial to extreme don't give a damn who sees their moral and ethical grubbiness.

There loom ahead two possible scenarios. Sadly, each promises continued raucousness. Trump's podium-pounding hitmen will certainly feel their unabashed vitriol is coldly efficacious, should they succeed in ending the Republican candidate. 

But if, contrarily, the nationwide MAGA movement (in which I march) buoys Trump down Pennsylvania Avenue a second time, the response from the Dark Side will be ear-rending, unspeakably foul, and sickeningly stuffed with underdog self-righteousness. 

Power-craving politicians, big-corporation journalists, and America-hating activists desire a terrible night without end.

And they wouldn't take a morning after even if it came with two pairs of pants.


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