Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Bad Seed/Fortunate Son

"No Trump! No wall! No USA, at all!"

That malodorous street holler is much beloved by the masked seditionists of Antifa. Seemingly ubiquitous is dramatic video of swarming, multitudinous black-clad and armed Antifa thugs attacking pedestrians, perpetrating arson, otherwise destroying private property, and violently obstructing various law-abiding citizens' Constitutional rights performances. 

The FBI and DHS recently classified Antifa as a terrorist group. That such plainly warranted official opprobrium was so long in arriving is puzzling, though, given that video, police reports, victim retellings, and onlookers' testimony had abounded for some time.

                                                              (via Gateway Pundit)

You might think it odd, then, that Linwood "Woody" Kaine -- son of Tim Kaine, U.S. senator from Virginia and erstwhile Democratic vice-presidential wanna be -- took up arms with the villainous and marauding Antifa. The American system Antifa so hates and desires to crush, after all, had for years provided Tim and Linwood's family with cushy economic advantage not commonly enjoyed. 

Nevertheless, privileged Woody kvetched. 

In March 2017, Linwood was arrested with 7 others who'd conspired to disrupt a Minneapolis-located March for Trump. According to CNN, Linwood Kaine was alleged to have fled on foot, sought to hide his identity, and obstructed the legal process "by interfering with a police officer." Reports at the time alleged that explosives were involved. 

Antifa thugs were recently filmed beating political adversaries and Prayer event attendees in Berkeley, California -- swinging bats, and hurling bricks and bags of urine. Democrat office-holders and mainstream media voices are finally condemning the violently seditious Antifa. (Nevermind that those same interests' previous indulgence encouraged Antifa's spread.)

Linwood Kaine's bratty shenanigans attract eyes. But, given the power of his office, Trump Revolution opponent Senator Tim Kaine poses the far greater peril.

DailyMail.com report re Linwood Kaine arrest:



Blogger earthnative07 said...

Thumbs up!

September 7, 2017 at 11:27 AM  

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