Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Political terrorism and theological supremacy enabled now by SPLC 

Since its 1971 founding, the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center has spotlighted repugnant hate groups like the Klan, Nazi skinheads, and the militia movement. The organization has won multi-million dollar judgments, driving bigoted foes into well-deserved ruin.

Every person who would see a society where all citizens enjoy equality hails such effective opposition to hate.

But increasingly, the SPLC betrays a politically partisan institutional nature, casting off its previously claimed mantle as a principled foe of bigotry. 

For example, the organization today is loath to offer any substantive, persistent criticism of radical Islam, seemingly unconcerned that maniacal foot-soldiers of that destructive foulness behead and burn alive 'heretics,' and imprison, oppress, and in other detestable manners torture women and gays. 

Radical Islamic vows to invade the United States, overturn Constitutional protections, establish Sharia Law, and despoil our culture of enlightenment and universal equality certainly give reason for rock-ribbed SPLC denouncements.

Or, so logic would dictate.

But, when candidate Donald Trump thundered persuasively against the theological megalomania that now seeks freedom's crushing, SPLC spokesmen hurried to attack him and the tens of millions of common sense, patriotic American citizens who supported his candidacy.

More SPLC opportunity soon loomed with the horrible surge of radical Islam-sympathetic, Antifa/resistance street terrorism, a black-clad, masked fascist effort that scorns all Americans' rights to freely speak, assemble, and enjoy unhindered political expression within a democratic electoral system.

The contemporary SPLC refuses to condemn Talibanesque calls for statues' pull-downs, the re-naming of buildings and boulevards, national anthem repudiation, and other progressive, Cultural Revolution agitations for historical revisionism. 

Like the ACLU, which recently rethought and rejected free speech defense, the SPLC chooses to stand steadfast at the side of modern intolerance and injustice.

Be advised, well-meaning writers of donation checks.



Blogger earthnative07 said...

It is staggering to see how they are now supporting hate and oppression! Stop the world, I want to get off!

August 30, 2017 at 11:35 AM  

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