Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Why Americans who supported Trump yesterday should continue to do so, today

Trump 2016 voters perhaps faltering in their faith, following his missile strike on Syria, should consider whether they want to cede the war for America, and whether, in general, President Trump remains their best option for ultimate victory.

His election was an historic phenomenon. Tens of millions of average Americans stormed polling sites nationwide to declare their revulsion with the Democrats' increasingly bizarre political and cultural priorities. 

We were hard-working, tax-paying citizens who constituted the backbone of this greatest nation on Earth, and we refused to be silent, inactive spectators as our country was twisted and despoiled.

Americans knocked the world off its hinges by electing Trump. By the doing, we also illustrated that professional prognosticators are too inebriated on insular assumptions to be credible, and we surely sent noisome propagandists into teary, pillow-biting distress. 

Pride can be taken in those accomplishments.

Trump's recent decision to launch the strike on Syria, though,  was in seeming conflict with his non-interventionist campaign rhetoric. Strident arguments for and against the action were made among traditional Trump advocates. Two prominent examples were Dr. Sebastian Gorka (supportive) and Infowars host Alex Jones (against).

The strike was not interventionist in character, some defenders maintained, and American interests were involved; troops were stationed nearby, and a spread of chemical warfare against America might ensue, were it not addressed immediately. 

Besides, it demonstrated that Trump is a muscular leader who will follow through, not a preening paper tiger given to impotent 'red line' speechifying.

Determining the worth of continued support of Trump, in the aftermath of that debated strike, calls for consideration of his in-office product. 

To his credit, Trump crushed ISIS; nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court; signed a massive tax cut bill that put more dollars in citizen's wallets; rescinded Obama's DACA executive order; added numerous federal judges to the bench; has assured that the opiod crisis receives appropriate attention; and dispatched National Guard troops to protect our southern border.

The number of food stamp recipients has plummeted; employment numbers shot up; industries returned to our shores; Trump repealed Obamacare's individual mandate; the stock market hit historic highs; a record number of business-hobbling regulations have been cut; and investor confidence has risen. 

The Trump Administration set in motion reforms aimed at dramatically reducing government waste; the president called for a ban on travelers from nations with substantial links to terrorism; and the United States' military capability is being restored to
optimum level.

Too, Trump continues to urge construction of a border wall. That it has not yet been constructed cannot be blamed on him. Democrats refuse to compromise with the president and respect that
voters' wish made clear on election night 2016.  

And, like Ronald Reagan, President Trump stirred Americans to renewed patriotic pride and unswerving dedication to national identity, sovereignty, and law and order. That spirit, more than any legislative phenomenon, can and will keep our country alive.

Alex Jones recently raised a point meriting observation: the nature of Trump's opposition and its goals. 

Trump Revolution enemies like the Deep State, mainstream media, Hollywood, lower level-bureaucracy, and the Washington swamp, two-party behemoth would not mount and sustain aggression against Trump -- and us -- unless they perceived a real threat to their globalist ambitions.

The Resistance has representation in political, media, entertainment, and grassroots precincts. It is indifferent to popular will as expressed through the established electoral process, and
does not accept Trump's legitimate election. 

Though the people spoke, the Resistance cared not.

This is the first time in memory that, across the country, partisans at every governmental level and in each walk of life flatly declined to accept an electoral outcome, or anything emanating from it. 

That is more than bratty intransigence. It is a rejection of democracy in which one sometimes wins and sometimes loses, lying to itself that has noble historic, moralistic bone marrow.

Americans who previously supported Trump certainly should continue to do so. It's true that realities don't always match rhetoric, but the promise of a nation's common citizens reclaiming authority and turning away from the disaster of the Democrats' upside- down-and-inside-out kaleidoscope course remains our worthy North Star. 

And it can never be reached without the energies and faith of an ongoing, fight-loyal Trump Revolution.


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