Friday, March 30, 2018

DC Larson's Ideas Afoot 

(Ordering info at bottom)

Ideas Afoot is my latest and sixth book. Its 86 pages are densely packed with intellectual fiber, lively wit, and declarative voice. In it, I champion traditional American Constitutional values like free speech, presumption of innocence, and national sovereignty. 

I also address larger topics of contemporary significance: Patriotism, ideological tolerance, news media fairness, 'whole cloth' life philosophy, philosophical evolution, illegal immigration, and cultural integrity. 

Ideas Afoot subjects include intellectual liberty; biblical and secular rights affirmations; the Southern Poverty Law Center's grifting; Hollywood bigotry; the failed 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign's contempt for the common man; Norman Lear's despoiling of comedy television; the Nazi-enabling past of George Soros; dirty trickster Roger Stone's elitism; and increasing agitations against our National Anthem and Confederate and American flags.  

Here's a brief author bio:

DC Larson gained practical political knowledge through decades of education and activism across the ideological spectrum. In 2015 and 2016, he advocated Donald Trump's historic campaign in several Iowa newspapers. But before that, in 2000, he helped found the Iowa Green Party and served in 2004 as Iowa coordinator for independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader.  

Today a pro-Trump online activist, he is also a retro science fiction novelist, political and rock and roll blogger, and commentator whose freelance credits include Daily Caller, American Thinker, USA Today, Goldmine, No Depression, and others.

Ideas Afoot chapters:

1 - To think, to speak, to be
2 - Anger and principle coexistent
3 - The confidence man in the mailbox
4 -  Avuncular estimations
5 - The chauffeured agitator who spoiled American comedy  television
6 - Hillary's snoot society / Hollywood at powdery remove
7 - The sinister styles of news fakery
8 - The velveteen mountebank
9 - Never Forget this about George Soros
10 - Biology shall not be moved
11 - Aggressions confronted

Paperback, $10 check or money order

DC Larson
322 E. Louise St.
Waterloo, Iowa 50703

Kindle, $2.99


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