Thursday, March 1, 2018

'Unalienable' right ever of solid standing
President Trump's remarks should not always be taken literally, or as sound indicators of his intentions. He's written of the tactical usefulness of rhetorical exaggeration in stirring debate and impacting deal-making. And he certainly demonstrated that during the campaign months.
Better to watch his actions and evaluate the ultimate product.
Still, the president's recent, seeming disregard for citizens' rights to gun ownership and due process bear remark, if only that enduring popular regard for those be established.
"Take the guns, first," the president suggested in a recent White House Safe Schools event with lawmakers. "Go through due process, second."
Daily Caller's Anders Hagstrom reported Trump's words followed Vice President Mike Pence's admonition to "Allow due process, so no one's rights are trampled." Pence stressed obtaining the proper court order prior to gun confiscation.
But, according to Trump, authorities should instead "Take the firearms first, and then go to court...A lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns, early."
Not long ago, the president expressed approval of a like proposal made by Florida Governor Rick Scott. Scott advocated the establishment of a Violent Threat Restraining Order.
Scott explained to reporters: "This would allow a court to prevent a violent or mentally ill person from purchasing a firearm or any other weapon when either a family member, community welfare expert, or law enforcement officer files a sworn request, and presents evidence to the court of a threat of violence involving firearms or other weapons. There would be speedy due process for the accused and any fraudulent or false statements would face criminal penalties."("Rick Scott proposes $550 million school safety program, no ban on specific weapons, no armed teachers" ( Tampa Bay Times 2/23/2018)
Like Scott's plan, President Trump's 'take first, bother with due process, later' idea would turn bottom-over-top the traditionally accepted order whereby punishment is on;y meted out following a finding of guilt.
No charges or convictions would be required for the desired governmental infringement on Americans' gun ownership rights, merely unsubstantiated 'complaints' -- ones that may or may not be valid, and could easily be lodged for illegitimate purposes.
The president is in an unenviable position. A terrible, mass shooting was perpetrated in Florida. Citizens are legitimately scared and deserving of official attention. But, by even suggesting this overreach, he has put into jeopardy the public whose interests he would safeguard.
Whether one owns a firearm is irrelevant. Constitutional rights are our birthright property, not merely privileges to be granted or withdrawn as suit lawmakers.
Imagine government mandating waiting periods for book purchases, church attendance, or petitioning officials for redress of grievances.
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson acknowledged that men are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights..."
Those precious rights are not the government's to deny us.
Again, the president may simply have gone to an extreme for tactical effect. So, vigilance is advised.


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