Monday, February 19, 2018

Fact checking's Brooke Binkowski 
This is not pretty

In a 2/15 Twitter post, Brooke Binkowski, managing editor at self-billed "fact-checking site", sought to discredit Jalen Martin. Martin had presented himself as a Parkland, Florida Marjory Stoneman Douglas senior. Following the shooting at that school, he had challenged the emerging mainstream narrative in an Infowars telephone interview.

Binkowski's retaliatory tweet read: "I deleted my previous tweet because it was meanspirited, but this is actually 'Jalen Martin' and unless he has a hell of a commute, he's not a high school senior anywhere in south Florida." (This post, too, has been deleted. At least, my check for it just now was fruitless.)

In subsequent critical coverage of Binkowski, Infowars noted: "However, records reveal the student, Jalen Martin, does in fact attend Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School." 
Infowars reproduced on its site Martin's "Stoneman Douglas HS Schedule." The document detailed his first semester classes and listed his particulars, including date, grade level, and street address. *

("Snopes editor bullies shooting survivor, claims not a student" 

Here, this grows still more interesting.

Another of that school's students, David Hogg, offered himself to media interviewers as poised, articulate, and in confident command of pro-FBI / anti-Trump messaging. 

But Gateway Pundit's Lucian Wintrich characterized Hogg -- the admitted son of a retired FBI agent -- as groomed and rehearsed. Included in Wintrich's article was raw video footage of Hoggs's practices, line stumblings, repetitions, and rhetorical retakes. 

("Exposed: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg's Father In FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines"  Gateway Pundit 2/19)

Snopes' Managing Editor Binkowski, not uncoincidentally, follows Hogg in her Twitter circle and has retweeted him. Oh, and Binkowski has shared past condemnation of Wintrich with her Twitter followers.

After the Gateway Pundit piece ran, she retweeted attacks on that site and its founder, Jim Hoft, sent out by various mainstream media figures. These included Buzzfeed's Chris Geidner and Andrew Kaczynski, of CNN. (Neither disputed the story itself, nor offered substantive argument. Each only pitched slop.)

"It's a sign of how potent these kids are, just speaking for themselves, that the pro-Trump media has turned to efforts to discredit and slime them," read a 2/19 tweet from New York Times writer Nick Confessore. The tweet included Hoft's announcement of Wintrich's Hogg article, and was retweeted by Binkowski.

This writer doesn't know if Confessore issued similar public reproof of Binkowski's rickety denouncement of Jalen Martin. But if one ever were committed to print, Binkowski certainly did not retweet it.

As the Infowars article warns, of "This is the same 'fact checking' publication tech giants Google and Facebook rely on to vet what's real and fake to their users."



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