Saturday, February 24, 2018

Beware this fake 'Resistance' meme
This deceptive meme depicts 2009 Texas Fort Hood mass shooter Army Major and psychiatrist Nidal Hassan. It is currently being reposted online by persons sympathetic to the 'Resistance' against American democracy and duly elected President Donald Trump.
Whether all spreaders of the calculatedly nonfactual propaganda know it to be false is irrelevant to its potential for despoiling legitimate debate.ere lock
If, as the dodgy production claims, Hassan was indeed "surrounded by guns," he had no need to fear them. They were locked away, per indifferent Washington decree, Texas military base Fort Hood, like public schools, was a 'soft target' attractive to terrorists.ed away, per Writing in Breitbart in 2013, Awr Hawkins recalled that "A mere twenty years ago, 'gun free zones' made their way to these facilities under the watch of President Bill Clinton.
"According to a Washington Times editorial written days after the Nov. 5, 2009 attack on the soldiers at Fort Hood, one of President Clinton's 'first acts upon taking office...was to disarm soldiers on military bases...
"As the Times editorial put it, "Because of Mr. Clinton, terrorists would face more return fire if they attacked a Texas Wal-Mart than the gunman faced at Fort Hood."

("When Did Military Bases Become 'Gun Free Zones?" Breitbart 9/17/2013).
Wikipedia: "Once, while presenting what was supposed to be a medical lecture to other psychiatrists, Hasan talked about Islam, and said that, according to the Koran, non-believers would be sent to hell, decapitated, set on fire, and have burning oil poured down their throats...According to the Associated Press, Hasan's lecture also 'justified suicide bombings.'"
"According to eyewitnesses, Hassan had the gone around behind a desk and bowed his head for several seconds when he suddenly stoos up, shouted 'Allahu Akbar!' and opened fire," Wikipedia later added.

("2009 Fort Hood Shooting" Breitbart)

Also observed by Wikipedia is the the U.S. government under Barrack Obama "declined requests by survivors and family members to categorize the Fort Hood shooting as an act of terrorism or motivated by militant Islamic convictions."

Gasp. That's a shocker.

In sunny times not far away, thanks to the Trump Revolution, it will be as if the wretched Obama presidency had never been perpetrated on America.

Until then, it is the wise man that questions superficial partisan messaging like the Resistance anti-gun meme.


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