Thursday, March 15, 2018

Abortionists must acknowledge full eugenics meaning of their repugnant desire 

There are times when an issue is made most clear by dispensing with theories and illustrating how real people would be impacted, no matter the ugliness of that truth.

Here we are. 

Columnist Ruth Marcos, of the Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post, recently boasted of her enthusiasm for exterminating babies with Down Syndrome.

("I would've aborted a fetus with Down Syndrome. Women need that right" Marcus / Washington Post 3/9/2018

Her announcement put the reality of their dirty business up into pro-abortionists' faces. No longer can they credibly claim distance from the eugenics philosophy, assuming they ever could. 

NBC's Ken Dilanian hurried onto Twitter to congratulate Marcus on a "Courageous column." 

Judging by family photos Dilanian features on his Facebook page, he is in an interracial marriage that has produced children. (I am also in an interracial marriage, now in its 20th year.) 

Perhaps Dilanian believes he and his family exist on some moneyed, elitist plateau, distant from the practical consequences of the genocide Marcus advocated and that he lustily cheered.

If so, he's wrong. Read on.

I studied US and foreign hate groups in the 1980s and 1990s. And I once read of an ex-nazi skinhead whose very young son was chronically disabled. The former bullyboy recalled that, for him, the neo-nazi philosophy went from theoretical to real-world and personal when a movement associate remarked that 'once our victory is a reality, the imperfect, including your son, will be exterminated.'

The logical extension of the Ruth Marcus eugenics dream, already terrible enough, would be the aborting of not only disabled babies (like arthrogrypotic reporter Serge Kovaleski), but also interracial ones, like those of Ken Dilanian and his wife.

That's the ugly truth. 

Addendum: On her Twitter page, Marcus identifies herself, in part, as a "Mother of two high-quality children..." In her mind, not all humanity is equal, but can be measured for "quality."


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