Monday, April 16, 2018

History written by the losers

Anyone who's read the New York Times columns of Charles Blow knows equanimity, reasonableness, and regard for truth are seldom located there. In his April 15 "Dislike Comey, Despise Trump," he assigned 'blame' for barn burning, populist candidate Trump's historic election to several nefarious forces.

Never accountable, by Blow's reckoning, was Hillary Clinton's having been an unlikable and untrustworthy candidate, and that tens of millions of patriotic Americans had risen from the grassroots to issue a resounding 'NO' to the strange Obama legacy Hillary promised to perpetuate, the one that had so twisted our nation. 

Blow attributed responsibility to various factors, including Russian interference, Cambridge Analytica, and social media exploitation. Also, he specified the liberal usual suspects of racism, xenophobia, and misogyny whose imagined, pro-Trump advocates Clinton once derided as "a basket of deplorables."

Kyle Olsen of the American Mirror recently reported that a new history textbook paints citizens who elected Trump as bigots of the foulest order.

By the People, a History of the United States was authored by James W. Fraser, published by Pearson, and is intended for national classroom use. It has set off alarms among those warning that students are being indoctrinated to despise their own country and its character.

The American Mirror's Olsen quotes a passage from Fraser's text, noting that it reads "like an op-ed from the New York Times or the Nation." 

Trump's supporters saw the vote as a victory for the people who, like themselves, had been forgotten in a fast-changing America -- a mostly older, often rural or suburban, and overwhelmingly white group. Clinton's supporters feared that the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country, discomfort with their candidate's gender, and nostalgia for an earlier time in the nation's history. They also worried about the mental instability of the president-elect and the anger that he and his supporters brought to the nation.

Trump voters are daubed in scarlet hues, and their motives decried as hateful. Hillary backers, for their part, are portrayed in a sympathetic light, their imputed fears unquestioned by Fraser.

Without benefit of personal memory, or contemporaries' first-hand accounts, students subjected to the Pearson-issued false political record will likely assume it is accurate, when it is, instead, ham-handedly biased. 

What Hillary, Blow, Fraser, and their ilk refuse to acknowledge is that we supporters of Donald Trump are decent Americans who hold sacred our country's Constitution, its customs, laws, and national sovereignty.  We rejected the strange, progressive alternative, with its 'anything goes' morality and hostility toward common sense, judiciousness, and law and order. 

We seized back the wheel, and returned our country to its proper, Constitutional course. The traditional American standard of individual liberty is a monument to our national uniqueness, one we won't see defaced and destroyed. 

And that's the real history.


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