Saturday, February 25, 2017

Citizenship required

Attempts to equate contemporary immigration law enforcement with discrimination against 1930s German Jews and civil rights-era American blacks are crippled by a logical flaw. 

In each historic instance, already-legal citizens of those nations were denied rights they were due by virtue of their established citizenship. Martin Luther King, Jr, for example, argued persuasively that the US government needed to live up to promises our constitution makes to citizens. He didn't advocate for anything new, only that the traditionally accepted be ensured for all Americans.

Non-citizens outside US borders do not have legitimate claims to protections under our constitution. For that reason, they are not at all similar to Germans or Americans who were previously, wrongly denied protections and liberties guaranteed them by their respective countries.

Persons now calling for no enforcement of immigration laws and for open borders are endorsing the radically different notion that there is no distinction to be recognized between citizens and non-citizens.

Their argument is a globalist one. It shares no ground with Anne Frank or Rev. King, and is hostile to the concept of national sovereignty.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries and MSNBC's Katy Tur slur Steve Bannon. Both offensive, with Tur the more egregious.

On Friday, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries was interviewed by MSNBC host Katy Tur. He told her that White House chief strategist and senior counsel Steve Bannon should not be allowed to attend any future meeting between President Trump and Black Congressional Caucus members.

Without citing even one example, Jeffries smeared Bannon as a "stone-cold racist" and a "white supremacist-sympathizer."

To her discredit, Tur did not challenge those demeaning characterizations.Nor did she insist Jeffries provide substantiation. Her indulgence of politics-minded slurrer Jeffries cannot surprise anyone familiar with her ideologically slanted dirty work.

Congressman Jeffries is known as a racial tumult-manufacturing ballot-counter. In December, 2014, he made a House floor show of the "Hands up, don't shoot" fiction that never really happened in thug Michael Brown's assaulting of police officer Darren Wilson.

Then, as in his more recent, deceitful MSNBC foolishness, Jeffries is handspringing for the benefit of dyspeptic constituents. He may, then, be dismissed from further serious consideration.

But, Tur's is the more troubling case. Citizens rely upon reporters to provide them with clear, accurate portrayals of subjects important to their exercise of democratic participation. 

Those citizens, frankly, would do well to avoid Tur and MSNBC, entirely.

Now, I have no clue which MSNBC executives decided to not employ a sober-minded, true journalist, in favor of the giggly and cotton-brained Tur. 

Often, a smirk slinks about her lips, during even discussions of the most serious matters. It betrays Tur's  unseemly frivolousness in the midst of weighty, adult matters.

Her affectedly lightweight manner, unabashed political prejudices, and, now, uncritical acquiescence to electorally-scheming Congressman Hakeem Jeffries' unfounded slurring of Bannon, she handily exemplifies why Trump is so right about the political press. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Can Trump call 'em, or what?

Q: What are those marks all over the mainstream media's back?

A: Donald Trump's shoe prints!

Photo source: Salon

President Trump threw out many delicious and serrated stream-of-common-sense wordings during his 2/16 press conference. 

Of the Washington political press, he predicted:

"Tomorrow, they will say, 'Donald Trump rants and raves.' I'm not ranting and raving. I'm just telling you people."

Trump was unduly generous. Numerous were the prejudiced and reptilian scribes who, unwilling to restrain themselves, galloped to their keyboards to hurl the very spear-terminology Trump had wisely suspected would soon sail his way.

"Rant" was hurriedly lobbed by Chris Matthews (MSNBC), Louie Nelson (Politico), Daniel Halper (New York Post), Jake Tapper (CNN), Adam Edelman (New York Daily News), Vivian Kane (The Mary Sue), Doyle McManus (Los Angeles Times), Abigail Tracy (Vanity Fair), and David Remnick (New Yorker). 

One can safely assume that "rant" (or variations, thereof) was also leveraged by a host of similarly sniffing inky toads.

Donald Trump may be able to put in a royalties claim.

The Mary Sue's 'attacks' double standard

Source: Youtube

Establishment media accounts of President Trump's 2/16 press conference were uniformly slanted and acidic. But one hit-ambitioning guerilla stands out -- though as a negative.

"Terrifying," "Hyper-sensitive," "vague," "ultra-rambly," "egregious," "generally WTF," "combative," "petulant," "rant," "unhinged," "narcissistic," and "shouted" all came in just one Mary Sue article by Vivian Kane. 

There may have been more such epithets. I don't know; I stopped reading her, and felt better for the doing. Kane advised readers to seek out the conference transcript at the Washington Post's site, "if you feel like drowning in sadness."

Ironically, the Mary Sue admonishes commenters that the at-once libertine and stuffy feminist site forbids "personal attacks."

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol tweets ugliness from tar pit

In his 2/14 The Week essay, "America's spies anonymously took down Michael Flynn. That's very troubling," Damon Linker made an excellent point: Subversive machinations contrived by unelected dastards in the dim back-halls of the intelligence bureaucracy run violently counter to proper democratic government.

Wrote Linker: "Far too many Trump critics appear not to care that these intelligence agents leaked highly sensitive information to the press -- mostly because Trump critics are pleased with the result."

The writer does take pains to stress his own antipathy to President Trump, But, who would disagree with his general condemnation of democracy's contravention?

Why, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol. In a 2/14 tweet, the ever-smirking, drab-suited cretin and sworn enemy of our nation's leader chortled unabashedly at democracy's thwarting:

"Obviously strongly prefer normal democratic and constitutional politics [a counterfeit assurance, muttered perfuntorily and immediately swept aside]. But if it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state."

Now, do not, from some misguided, charitable inclination, reckon that perhaps the dinosaur's tremulous limb had slipped. Instead, number Bill Kristol in the shameful rank of American democracy's despisers.

Monday, February 13, 2017

'Disappearing' singer Joy Villa, Donald Trump, and the whole truth
MSNBC churning fake news. Again.

During her 2/13, early afternoon MSNBC broadcast, Kate Snow spotlighted the anti-Trump rhetoric ladled by some Grammy performers the previous evening. 

I won't name those performers, or quote their words, believing they already enjoy sufficient publicity. More than their actual talents warrant, to be frank. 

But, Snow and ratings drain-circler MSNBC pointedly excluded from coverage singer Joy Villa. Villa had also walked the Grammy red carpet that night, sporting a gown that explicitly endorsed President Trump.

Following Joy Villa's Grammy appearance, according to Breitbart's Jerome Hudson, sales of her I Make the Static disc hied to the topmost tier of the Amazon digital albums list.

Ryan Saavedra, of Gateway Pundit, observed that: "Previously, the album was ranked #543, 202 on Amazon and now it is currently ranked #3."

Villa's patriotic declaration, of course, earned the expected Twitter death threats from tolerant-in-name-only liberals. 

Per GP, one hissed: "Attack!! Kill her!! Throw her in a camp...for adults!!" 

"RIP to your mentions and your everything in general," was the sagacious admonition tendered by a second Love Trumps Hate sort. 

All of which is newsworthy, you might conclude. But, MSNBC functionaries -- being, as they are, professionals possessed of superior journalistic judgement beyond the grasp of mortal men -- judged otherwise.

GP reported that the gown Villa wore had been designed by Andre Soriano, a gay man who'd legally immigrated to the U.S. from the Phillipines. 

Consider his circumstances, his 'identity.' And that his design was worn by Villa, a black woman. The liberal score board is lit up and clanging like a pinball table, nearly flying off its pins in every direction, at once.

All of which would otherwise mean much mainstream media panting. But, in this case, the protagonists cut away from the harbored narrative. 

So, MSNBC and Kate Snow pretended to not notice.

Again, Gateway Pundit:

"Andre now owns his own highly successful business named Andre Sariano based out of California.

"Andre got his inspiration for the dress from the Women's March in Washington, DC when he heard what was his favorite singer, Madonna, talk about how she wanted to 'blow up the white house.' Andre was furious by her statements and called Joy Villa and told her they were going to design a dress to 'unite the country,' as Andre said.

"The dress that Joy Villa wore was made from a Trump flag," he noted. "As a huge Trump supporter, Joy was naturally excited about wearing the dress." 

And, Ariano told Billboard: "There are a lot of people that are in power that really misconstrued what this country stands for. I love this country. I'm from the Philipine Islands. I am a proud American. I really love this country. I am a minority. Joy is black. America is about immigrants."

Fine sentiments, though ones not deemed significant by MSNBC poobahs.

Kate Snow immediately followed her studied stunt-reporting with a sympathetic portrayal of an anti-Trump, Latino event.

The fake news narrative, then, proceeded slickly. It was like reality had never happened.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Rise of the Wretched

On Sunday, February 6, the Cedar Falls office of U.S. Representative Rod Blum was swarmed before by ardent imbeciles; they hefted crudely lettered placards, bannering their ire that Blum had properly done his job, and safeguarded the legitimate interests of Iowa men, women, and children. 

He had done exactly what we'd elected him to do. Blum deserved kudos -- not calumny.

The representative had supported President Trump. He had defended against potential terrorism, such as we've recently seen across Europe, as well as here in America.

Anti-U.S. leaders in other lands have boasted that rank-and-file terrorists desire to infiltrate 'refugee' hordes currently streaming into America. Their statements bolstered Trump's admonition that the 'refugee crisis' could be a Trojan Horse for elements plotting terrorist acts.

Recent news accounts have told of European countries like Sweden taking up anew their border attentions. The European people are calling for far less immigration. In Germany, Angela Merkel is now advocating paying 'refugees' to leave that nation. 

When will domestic lack wits learn the lesson manifest in other nations' hard-experienced examples?

The unpatriotic rabble in Cedar Falls were psychologically disheveled miscreants of meager intellect, the sort productive societies can well prosper without. They may foolishly believe themselves to be promoting some nebulous goodness, but they are, in reality, retarding reasonable impetus. 

Such oddball seditionists urge for America's weakening, devoting themselves ignobly to effectuating our country's destruction from within. They delight in criminality -- which is what illegal aliens definitionally are. 

(By the way: While I take a back seat to no one in supporting free speech, I find attractive the concept of criminalizing the misappropriation of Niemoller's formulation.)

It was heartening to see the raggedy street forces of foulness effectively countered by pro-America men and women. The proud and strong flame of American sovereignty burns, still, despite our enemies' miserable machinations.

It was the strapping American spirit, and not noisome, poisonous partisans, that advanced civil rights and vanquished Nazis and Communists. Terrorists and illegal immigration will soon fall, too.

Brexit. Trump's election. European countries rethinking immigration attitudes. The fine Cedar Falls  
showing of enduring patriotism.

Freedom's adversaries have never won out, in the past. Nor will they, today.
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