Tuesday, July 16, 2019

"Fuck you, chubby. Crawl back into your hole"                                                  

Actually, I suppose I'm at least partly to blame. For expecting intelligent, reasoned social media conversation about a legal matter with political implications, I mean. 

On Sunday, numerous ICE enforcement actions were conducted. Ordered by President Trump, they were said to focus on non-citizens who had been convicted of additional crimes. But rather than abide by judicial rulings that they should leave the United States, these persons had ignored the law and stayed here.

They had no right to remain, but did so, anyway.

More than a few organizations sprang into action, advising scofflaws on ways to evade law enforcement and obstruct its performance. Political and entertainment figures took up the cause of defying American laws. And so did innumerable self-styled activists who hunched over keypads.

To one of these last, who had on Twitter brayed in advocacy of related criminality, I posed a basic question:

"And enforcing democratically enacted laws is bad -- why?"

For any society to thrive in orderly fashion, elementary standards must be respected and maintained. One of those is obeying laws passed by the people's elected representatives. Any changes the public desires can be effected through the democratic process. 

It doesn't happen in a twinkling. But that's democracy. 

"Fuck you, chubby. Crawl back into your hole" was the full response I received to my Twitter question. 

Of course, ad hominem slurs and non-substantive rejoinders come from both right and left. But the contemporary left seems particularly hostile to debate, ideological independence, and free speech. 

That's evident in speech codes, shutting down speakers, organizing advertiser boycotts to silence contrary voices, and street protesters blocking cameras.

Now, sour-dispositioned addle-pates on social media wouldn't be a serious problem, were they to confine themselves to that noisome platform. But someone keeps telling them where the voting booths are located.

Note: My social media-slurrer had earlier posted on her Twitter page the iconic photo depicting a brave soul facing off with Tiananmen Square tanks. Reports are the Chinese government is scrubbing accounts of that inspirational moment from historical texts. 

Ironically, the American left is pursuing identical erasure by demolishing statuary, banning authors, and 'vanishing' recollections. How lacking in self-awareness are such partisans.


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