Monday, July 29, 2019

Attention to Baltimore rat-infestation didn't begin with Trump

From Infowars

President Trump, in one recent tweet, described Rep. Elijah Cummings' Baltimore as "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess..." He added: "If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous and filthy place."

Predictably, numerous liberal politicians and media voices ignored the substance of Trump's condemnation, Instead, they hurled stunt 'racist' allegations. 

But in the past, others have criticized the deplorable third world state existent in Baltimore Pres,. Trump decried. They, too, described that city as "infested" by possibly disease-carrying rats.

None were called 'racist.' Nor are such denunciations likely.

The Fox News channel reported on a 2015 Bernie Sanders tour of Baltimore. 

"Anyone who took the walk that we did around this neighborhood would not think you're in a wealthy nation," said Sanders. "You would think that you are in a Third World country."

Fox noted that in a 2016 Tweet, Sanders wrote "Residents of Baltimore's poorest boroughs have lifespans shorter than people living under dictatorship in North Korea. That's a disgrace."

A 2016 Baltimore Sun op-ed urged "a federal disaster declaration for our most impoverished neighborhoods hard hit by crime, urban blight, and economic malaise." The piece noted that such initiatives "have been fabulously successful in the third world..."

In 2018, PBS aired "Rat Film," a documentary that examined the terrible conditions in the city, which included (and still do) a disease-conducive rodent rampage.

A Baltimore Sun review termed parts of that city "poor and rat-infested."

Baltimore's Mayor Catherine Pugh, a black woman, walked through one shabby neighborhood, during local Fox 45's 2018 filmed story on area dilapidation and rodents.

"What the Hell? We should just take all this shit down," Pugh said, per a Gateway Pundit account"...Whoa, you can smell the rats...Whew, Jesus!...Oh, my God, you can smell the dead animals."

Gateway Pundit observed Baltimore is "number nine on Orkin's top-ten list of most rat-infested cities."

GP also quoted an Orkin press release:

"Aside from causing structural damage, rodents can carry hundreds of pathogens that can transmit various diseases and dangerous parasites. Additionally, they constantly leave behind droplets of urine as they travel, each day. These droppings can contribute to asthma and allergic reactions, especially in children."

That's of no consequence to the president's foes. Never mind their own past attentions to Baltimore's rat infestation.


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