Sunday, July 21, 2019

Georgia State Rep. Erica Thomas retracts 'hate crime' retraction
But this story has two villains

It happened. It didn't. It did. 

What might tomorrow bring?

Atlanta Dem. Rep. Erica Thomas has suddenly retracted her retraction of a 'hate crime' claim. The alleged perpetrator, one Eric Sparkes, quickly surfaced to dispute her fanciful narrative. And many speculate Thomas lodged the original charge in hopes of political gain.

Thomas is one star of "Jussie Smollet, A Sequel." She claimed, tearfully, that a "white man" had accosted her in a Publix grocery. "Go back where you came from," she alleged he had roared at her.

Obviously, she had sought to accrue spotlight by attaching herself to anti-Trump agitations inspired by his somewhat related Twitter remarks.

And, for a few hours, Thomas succeeded. Rep. Ilhan Omar retweeted a message supporting Thomas. Erstwhile actor George Takei erupted. So did the ever-annoying Shaun King.

And Rep. Ted Lieu (CA) sped onto the nearest keyboard, to signal his moral splendor (within an electoral cheerleading frame):

"Both @realDonaldTrump and @GOP have grossly underestimated the number of Americans who have experienced the racist 'go back' insult. We all know how it hurts. And we are going to vote. I predict a Dem wave in 2020, just like we had in 2018."

Beto O'Rourke, laughably still in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, also angled for reflected shimmer:

"These are the consequences of a president who foments hate every day -- and sees our diversity not as a strength but as a weakness," O'Rourke tweeted. "Erica, thank you for serving your state and thanks to your husband for serving our country. We are better than this, and together, we will prove it."

Thomas' 'hate crime' allegation was also trumpeted by another ill-fated Democrat presidential nomination hopeful, Bill de Blasio:

"Let's be clear," he tweeted. "This is on [Donald Trump] and every single person who refuses to condemn his vile racism."

Per Daily Wire, de Blasio later added: "I've said it before, and I'll say it again: It begins with a tweet. Then a chant. Now a racist attack on a 9-month pregnant lawmaker and military wife just trying to feed her family."

But Thomas' sensational account soon crumbled. The accused, Eric Sparkes, denied having made the alleged "go back" shout. And he pointed out the absence of substantiating videotape or witness evidence. 

He further informed reporters of his Cuban heritage and longtime Democrat Party loyalty. Sparkes assured listeners he had traditionally voted Democrat, and would do so for the rest of his life. 

Subsequent revelations were that Sparkes even despised President Trump. 

If he shops at the same grocery as Thomas, he may well live in her district. Given that, he may even have voted for her.

As media revelations and online guffaws resounded, Erica Thomas hurriedly retracted her previous charges. She no longer claimed Sparkes had told her to "go back." Just been rude.

Rep. Lieu quietly deleted his supportive tweet. Shaun King found other matters he felt needed his attention.

Observers concluded hers was just another case of a Democrat dishonestly playing the race card and pretending at victimhood.

But she is not this story's only villain. 

Eric Sparkes has also hurled foundationless charges of bigotry for political edge. In fact. he's rather an experienced hand, at it.

On July 12, Sparkes tweeted a video clip of public hostility. He added: "For the Trumpers I grew up with this is the hidden and outright vocal bigotry, ignorance, and racism I experienced at times because my Grandmother did not speak English, only Spanish. So my anger comes out. FU all racists and to the ones who say you aren't racists than you are lying to yourselves."

"Trump needs to go back to Germany and his Nazi roots," Sparkes tweeted, in part, on July 14. 

To his credit, he hasn't yet claimed a Trump supporter roared at him to "go back." (Though he did advise the president to do exactly that.)

Sparkes, then, thought it clever to undertake the same smear tactic Erica Thomas later levied against him. 

Attacking people who hold contrary political ideas with false bigotry slurs? Eric Sparkes is so there!

Both villains have soiled their hands in the same sewer. Her attack on him? Karma, some would say.

Now, Thomas has reasserted her original 'hate crime' charge against Sparkes. Given that her banner was hefted by national-level Democrats, including presidential nomination aspirants, it's not unthinkable she's received pressure from 'higher up' to retract her retraction, lest stars look foolish.

Add in this possibility: Sparkes may be so die-hard a donkey foot-soldier that he submits to public ignominy, even lifetime branding, for the good of The Larger Cause.

These events deserve wide attention because they may well have ramifications far beyond their parochial bounds. Among hostilities presently imperiling national order is one of ethnic disharmony. It assumes ugly and sometimes violent character, rips into tatters America's wonderful quilt, and wreaks injuries on all it afflicts.


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