Tuesday, May 7, 2019

PA State Rep. Brian Sims stalked teenaged protesters outside Planned Parenthood
Encouraged doxxing them as retaliation for pro-life actions

2014: Sims with then-Naral President Ilyse Houge

Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims's attack on the lone Catholic woman praying her rosary outside the Southeastern Planned Parenthood was not without precedent.

In earlier, videotaped stalking and harassment by him of teenagers praying outside the same Planned Parenthood building, Sims asked sympathetic viewers to send him information on the teens; he wanted to dox them, which would potentially put them in danger.

Sims: "So, here's the deal: I've got one hundred dollars for anyone who identifies any of these three."

"We're actually here praying for the babies," said one protester. "And we actually believe women deserve more."
Cruz, others now blast Sims
Evidence of PA rep's earlier protest of VP Pence comes to light

This morning, USA Today noted Texas congressman Ted Cruz was savage in his righteous denunciation of anti-Catholic video-harasser Brian Sims.

"Hateful, angry state rep videoed himself offering a $100 dollar bounty for the identities of three teenaged girls praying outside Planned Parenthood," Cruz tweeted. "Will Dem Party condemn this abuse?"

Cruz also tweeted re Sims's subsequent verbal assault on an elderly Catholic woman who prayed the rosary in protest of a Planned Parenthood facility across the street from her.

"Wow," tweeted Cruz. "An elected Dem state rep, a 'College Football Captain,' videos himself (presumably he's proud of his behavior) harassing, insulting, and haranguing an elderly lady who quietly prays for him. In what universe are elected officials supposed to treat their constituents like this?"

In a Monday statement, according to USA Today, Pennsylvania Republican Party Chairman Val DiGiorgio said: "State Rep. Brian Sims's harassment of a woman's peaceful and religious exercise of her First Amendment rights is yet another example of a troubling trend of growing extremism and hypocrisy among Democrats.

Having met Rep. Sims, I am surprised at this episode of despicable conduct. Given the nature of his conduct, he owes an apology not just to the woman he harassed but to the people of Pennsylvania that expect more out of their public officials."

Sims's response to the spreading scandal gave no hope for an imminent apology:

"Bring it, Bible bullies! You are bigots, sexists, and misogynists and I see right through your fake morals and your broken values."

A previous illustration of Sims's belligerence was his participation in a mob rally against Vice President Mike Pence. (Pence in 2018 visited Philadelphia's Rittenhouse Square,)

Sims was so proud of his protest against the vice president, he posted the above photo on his Faceook page.

That he did that, and later posted the videos for which he's now being soundly condemned, hints that he misses the attention he got six years ago, when MSNBC called him.

PA Dem Rep Brian Sims proudly anti-Catholic
Do his liberal and media allies care? 

Do Sims's fellow Pennsylvania representatives care? They've said nothing.

Does Pete Buttigieg care? Continued association with Sims could damage his campaign.

And does MSNBC's ostensibly Catholic host Chris Matthews care? "You're obviously a great local representative and you'll maybe be governor some day," Matthews gushed over Sims, in a 3/29/13 interview.

Sims's Wikipedia profile observes he was born into a Catholic family but left our church at 16. So his hostility toward Catholicism may have inspiration in his personal life. 

If so, the proper thing is to feel sorry for him. And pray that he realizes error and returns.

But robustly defending our faith against his vile slurs is also entirely proper.

In his infamous viral video, Sims harasses an elderly woman who's praying her rosary across the street from a Planned Parenthood. 

Sims: "These are the kinds of attacks on Planned Parenthood that we can expect in the current administration."

Rosary-praying an "attack?" (And the shot at President Trump did not go unnoticed.)

As if driven by some bizarre psychological dishevelment, Sims stalks and berates the woman, She continues her peaceful, prayerful protest, undeterred by his giggly provocations. 

She should be "ashamed," he shouts, for reaching out to Divine authority and voicing an opinion he disliked.

Is this the current state of moral affairs in America? An elected Democrat attacking a lone, meek Catholic woman for daring to pray her rosary in public?

"We can talk about your Christian faith," Sims yells to the woman. "About how your faith believes in shaming people. About how your Christian faith believes in telling people that you know what's right for their bodies."

Sims seems of the view that it's wrong for Catholicism to articulate a single standard based on Divine law. His apparent belief is that there exists no one standard of goodness and propriety. 

To him, perhaps, anything goes. And reality is just one crazy party in which there are no inconvenient things like right and wrong. Hedonism over all. Everyone has their own standard. Their own normal. Their own truth.

"For the last ten years, if someone has asked, I've said my faith is in humanity," he told ReligionNews.com in a 2014 interview.

In his video, Sims demanded of the woman: "How many Catholic churches are you protesting? 400 Catholic priests in Pennsylvania indicted for child molestation. I don't remember seeing you at any of those protests. I was at them." 

In a 5/7 Catholic League statement, group President William Donohue said of Sims: "This bigot can’t even get that right -- two were indicted." That Sims would make a point of joining in mob actions against the Catholic Church speaks to his ugly disposition.

"There's nothing Christian about what you're doing," Sims hollers
at the woman. "There's nothing loving. There's nothing kind."

In that ReligionNews.com interview, the formerly Catholic Sims said he has "deeply religious" friends, co-workers, and fellow activists. But of himself, he said "I'm as Catholic as I am Jewish as I am Muslim -- namely, not at all."

The article noted Sims was "nonreligious in a nation where most elected officials pledge allegiance not only to country, but to God."

"I'm the only elected official in Pennsylvania that didn't have to set foot in a house of worship to get elected," Sims boasted to the interviewer.

That explains a lot. But excuses nothing.
The Brian Sims episode: Its racial, medical, logical, and criminal aspects

In his now-notorious video, Pennsylvania Democrat State Representative Brian Sims harasses a woman who's praying her rosary across the street from a Planned Parenthood. 

He was so proud of besieging the solitary, older Catholic woman in her prayerful reminder of Planned Parenthood's evil, he wanted the world to see videotaped evidence of his despicable misbehavior.

"An old white lady, telling people what to do with their bodies. Shame on you!..Please, if you're watching this, even if it's just five dollars that you can give to Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania, this is the kind of stuff they have to deal with."

"White" is not a pejorative, save for in the lexicon of racial bigots. In earlier decades, blacks were maligned for skin color. Today, whites are. The more things change...

"Please give five dollars to Planned Parenthood on behalf of this woman. If you're a white person like I am, we have a lot of catching up to do. We have a lot to apologize for. And I'm going to start by apologizing for this woman. Shame on you!..Don't convince yourself that what you're doing isn't extremely racist. How dare you! This is grotesque!"

Sims's delusions of responsibility for long-distant atrocities he never perpetrated are common among 'woke' Democrats. But they are facially illogical and perpetuate the broadbrush racial bigotry against which liberals remonstrate in all other circumstances.

He also disregards Planned Parenthood's origin as a tool for racial genocide, founder Margaret Sanger's ugly bent on color, and the suspicious location of many Planned Parenthood offices in minority areas. 

(Not to mention his Democrat Party's shameful record: The founding of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow laws, congressional opposition to 1960s Civil Rights Acts, and later implementation of a welfare 'plantation' system that split fathers from families and doomed generations to dependence on government care.)

At one point, Sims declares: "Shame on you...The amount of mental gymnastics it must take to think that you have a right to tell a woman what's right for her body..."

At issue in pro-life protest is not the woman's body so much as that of the unborn child she's preparing to have executed. But abortionists don't acknowledge the biological fact that an unborn baby is person with a right to life. 

If they did, they would have to justify their murderous actions. To explain why they feel some people are not deserving of life. Easier than that is simply saying a group of humans are not human, at all.

(History offers examples of such idiocy and its horrible consequences.)

"[Y]ou're dragging people for using their Constitutional rights...   This is what broken morality looks like. This is what broken values looks like."

That which is legal is not necessarily moral. Slavery was legal. All sorts of horrible things once enjoyed legal protection. Pro-abortion types like Sims need to acknowledge that legality and morality can be distinct phenomena. Simply saying something is legal does not shield it from legitimate moral criticism. 

He and his ideological fellows have no moral justification for abortion. So they shout 'legal,' as if that resolved the matter.

Sims waved his official title and the implication of authority: 

"Please call the cops. Tell them Rep. Brian Sims is standing in his district, telling somebody that using the right that they're using to protest women coming into Planned Parenthood is disgusting and it's wrong and it's shameful. You've no business being out here. the rights that you have that allow you to be out here are very different from the moral standing that you think you have."

(In at least that moment, Sims seemed aware that legality and morality are not necessarily the same.)

Sims encourages viewers of his video to join him in harassing the woman and her family: "If you can give me her address, we'll protest out front of her home. Let's protest out front of her house and tell her what's right for her body."

His effective call to dox the woman and her family and put them at real risk of physical harm raises concerns. Pennsylvania law prohibits misconduct by legislators.

"We are contacting every member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives asking them to take a vote of censure against State Representative Brian Sims," wrote Catholic League President Donahue.

He added: "In particular, we are asking state representative Frank A. Farry, Chairman of the House Committee on Ethics, to introduce a resolution to formally condemn the vicious attack by Sims on an elderly Catholic woman. The Committee on Ethics deals with cases of 'misconduct in legislative duties.' What Sims did may also be criminal."
Will they respond?

PA State Rep. Frank Farry

My 5/7 email to PA State Representative Frank. A. Farry, chairman of the House Committee on ethics: 

Dear Rep. Farry;

I was appalled and sickened by Rep. Brian Sims's gleeful attack on a Catholic woman who prayed outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. 

Sims mocked her faith (one I, too, hold dear), accused her irresponsibly of various prejudices merely because she had an abortion opinion he didn't like, smeared her racial character, threatened to dox her and her family (!), and urged others to join him in assaulting the woman.

Sims proudly posted online videotape of his giggly assault on the praying Catholic woman and it went viral. Attention is now focused on how you and fellow Pennsylvania officials, of local, statewide, and federal statuses, will respond to Sims's outrageous harassment. I understand options for legal actions against Sims are being considered.

Please stand up for goodness and Pennsylvanians' welfare. Vote against Brian Sims' hate however possible, and encourage your elected fellows to do likewise. 

Your action on this would be appreciated.


DC Larson

My 5/7 tweet:

"Will Democrat denounce Pennsylvania Rep/anti-Catholic bigot Brian Sims and demand that Sims stop associating himself with Buttigieg and campaign? PB's effort would only suffer by continued links to Sims. This now national. "

Monday, May 6, 2019

Big Tech's speech war not movie

Big Tech censorship of conservatives and the battle for free speech raise timeless issues. Struggles against tyranny and warnings that appeasement offers only illusory resolution can be found in world history, yes. But also in popular culture. 

To illustrate, I've made slight amendments to these words from Roger Corman's 1958 War of the Satellites

A U.N. aide reads a message sent to the body: "We the Big Tech Masters have been observing your actions. We look with disfavor upon your persistent efforts to speak freely and infect other users of social media, including potential voters. We have therefore set up deplatforming measures to ensure that this ideological contamination shall not be allowed to spread. We shall frustrate your every attempt at conversation in the future, as we have those in the past...All such efforts to communicate unfavorable ideas shall from this moment be stopped."

A U.S. delegate responds. "Mr. President, honorable delegates to the General Assembly: I speak for all men, everywhere, when I say that Big Tech is wrong. That conservatives cannot be dismissed as a disease, or a growth that infects public conversation. Our hopes, our aspirations lead us to communicate and network. And no other ideology has the right to deny us that journey."

These next words assume particular relevance, given the loud applause of Big Tech censorship by some mainstream conservatives. Their ill-considered reasoning seems to be so long as they aren't 'extreme,' no jackboot shall befall them. 

But by encouraging the clampdown, they're helping set a precedent. And ensuring that their day will eventually come.

"Gentlemen, you do not survive by abject surrender," another U.S. representative insists, in a later dramatic moment. "If we give in now, moderate our utterances, give Big Tech full control over our lives and actions for mere survival, won't they decide to take even that away from us? ...They consider us a danger to them."

Make no mistake. When Big Tech exploits its world-impacting power to unperson speakers, destroy livelihoods, and brand political ideas as dangerous and forbidden, survival is most certainly the issue.

And we can't get up and walk out.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

True racial equality as unpopular today as yesterday

Several years ago, my wife and I were exiting a local food bank at which I volunteered. We saw two young women handing out flyers for road-renovation positions that were open to job seekers.

I had a part-time evening job, but was interested in supplementing my income. I asked one woman for a flyer.

She looked horrified and clutched a sheaf to her chest. "Oh, you can't!," she exclaimed. "These jobs are just for women and people of color!"

That instance of prejudice is minor compared to others' terrible experiences. And I've no interest in entering some sort of Victimhood Competition to find the direst instance.

But what my story has in common with others is the belief that judging individuals by skin tone is morally acceptable. Of course, it never is.

The withholding from me of an employment opportunity because of 'undesirable' coloration is no less unfair and foul than an old "No Blacks allowed" sign.

Plantation owners of the long-distant past rationalized depersonalization and segregation. So did those who later stormed against Civil Rights Acts.

Guilty white liberals cobbled 'justifications' for explicitly discriminatory employment set-aside programs. And also social assistance ones that ultimately split fathers from families, and resulted in dependence on government checks as generational bondage. 

In their own reprehensible manner, those liberals were injurious to both individuals and the larger society. Their appalling, paternalistic faith was that blacks were lesser and unable to survive and succeed without their condescending beneficence.

The man who believes no one should enjoy advantages or suffer disqualifications because of skin color truly believes in equality. 

His liberal counterpart declares mythical "white privilege" to be genuine, advocates racial preferences until the "playing field" is level, and cheers racially selective educational opportunities and campus resegregation. 

That liberal, fast being replaced in the Democrat Party by radicals even more obsessed with race, does not believe in equality at all. He only pretends to.

"The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."
- Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, in the majority opinion of Seattle School District case (June 28, 2007)
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