Sunday, October 28, 2018

The land of counter-Trump          

Zoe Sharp is the author of popular thrillers. She was one of five writers whose anti-Trump pipe dreams recently ran in the peso-propped New York Times.

"HOW IT ENDS" was the title given Sharp's horrible fantasy about an assassination of the current president of the United States. Her 
giggly monstrousness was just the newest example of a political bigotry in which the objective reality of President Trump's election is shoved aside for clumsy prancings in make-believe circumstances.

During my childhood, one of my favorite poems was "The Land of counterpane," by Robert Louis Stevenson. Its narrator recalled that as a child, he'd temporarily escape the reality of illness by constructing a fantasy world in which toy soldiers marched across his bed and did battle among bed clothes and a pillow hill.

Since President Trump's sound election, woozy Democrats have sought escape in similarly delusional fashions. Disposable television shows erect alternate realities, ones that manicured Hollywood hacks surely yearn for and cause toes to curl across the liberal landscape. 

Fathers are generally mocked as oafish, particularly conservative ones. Though successful, Tim Allen's "One Man Standing" was canceled by ABC. (It did turn up on Fox and has since racked up impressive ratings.)

For the ghastly offense of tweeting a single politically incorrect unpleasantry, Roseanne Barr was instantly persona non grata; nevermind that reliably leftish celebrities like Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, and Sarah Silverman were allowed to continue prominent show business careers despite their still-available-online blackface 'comedy' routines. (ABC's Roseanne-less "The Connors" has done so poorly it may soon vanish, entirely.)

And as delicious as was the recent downfall of never-Trumper Megyn Kelly, it deserves observance that, as a sometimes conservative voice, she suffered a career punishment not accorded the Kimmels, Fallons, and Silvermans. 

To paraphrase the president: Hers were words, but theirs were actions.

In some programs, the ideal of the nuclear family is kicked to the curb, that space be made for all manner of oddball assemblages. And annoyingly tedious rap videos depict Trump's assassination and showcase imaginary degradation for America's first lady. 

And what is the ridiculous "Not my president" mantra if not a denial of the real world?

One's instinct is to dismiss these as the petulant carryings-on of people stupidly devoted to bad causes. The patheticness of their dribbly endeavors is made all the more manifest when one reflects that over 60 million hardworking, tax-paying, and decent-hearted American citizens bouyed Donald Trump to his due position on Pennsylvania Avenue.

The clamorous mob that devoted its every ugly ability to opposing America and Trump never accepted the profound shellacking it rightly suffered in 2016. If anything, its miserable agents have redoubled their stomach-turning efforts.

I've no doubt that at least some such instances are calculated simply for attention-getting purposes, much as squalling babies might hurl strained-pea dishes from high chairs. For that reason, only scant and negative attention need be paid them.


CNN reporter Maeve Reston said that when in Iowa recently, senator and possible 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris received a "rock star reception."

Turns out Reston's description was accurate only if the rock star she was referencing was founding Foghat drummer Roger Earl. Reston raved that "electricity" could be felt. But even she conceded only "about 500" attendees had actually shown up to the Harris Des Moines event.

And 500 people couldn't generate enough wattage to illuminate the Iowa main street of your choice.

In Texas, that same night, President Trump's rally for Ted Cruz drew some 18,000 loyalists. Unlucky thousands not able to gain admittance into the packed arena stood outside. According to estimates, 100,000 requests for rally tickets had poured in.

CNN did not cover the far better-attended Trump/Cruz event as it was happening. Jeff Zucker's Fake News channel was too busy playing drooling groupie for a Democrat imaginary rock star.


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